Slaying the Green-Eyed Monster (#34)

First, my apologies to those of you who actually have green eyes.  I’m really referring here to the monster of jealousy.  If you are going to use your God-given gifts and talents, if you are going to make an impact in your world, or pioneer any kind of work, it is vital that you slay this creature; and do it – as we say – “like yesterday!”

This creature is very pervasive and troublesome; always turning up unexpectedly and from unexpected places.

What is this creature’s goal?  To destabilize your purpose in life and disrupt any projects you have going.  And how is this achieved?  Actually, in number of ways: Criticism is the major one, the kind that is unnecessary; and ‘seemingly helpful’ suggestions on how to improve and better what you are doing.  The result can be catastrophic and you could be left doubting your ability and with a shaken confidence in yourself.

Having said that, we must be able to discern between helpful and hurtful criticism?

Here are some things to look out for. Consider the body language of the person/(s) offering the criticism, their tone of voice, manner, and their personality.  Are they generally negative and vindictive?  What about their actions toward you and others in the past?  Are they bitter about their lack of achievements?  Do you sense a genuine desire to really help?

Be aware that at times criticism can be a hiding place for the green-eyed monster. 

But what about the other side of the coin?  Given what has been said above, suppose you discovered this creature lurking within you? 

Well, it must be exposed, confessed and forsaken.  A steady reading, studying and applying God’s Word to your life, mixed with consistent prayer will effectively slay this monster.

Ephesians 4:4 tells us, “For there is one body and one Spirit, just as you have been called to one glorious hope for the future,” and V7 says “…he has given each one of us a special gift through the generosity of Christ.”

So the playing field of ministry is level.  There is therefore no need to be territorial.  No need for this monster’s existence.  Slay it at once!

©Kerina Hall


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