Referencing the Cross, Reverencing the Christ (#32)

For the Cross will always represent       
The love God had for me
When the Lord of glory, heaven sent
Gave all on Calvary
Just for me…

“Just for Me” by Donnie McClurkin

Arguably, one of my favourite songs.  Why?  Well, great melody aside, it reminds me of Christ’s love for me and the victory procured for us by his cruel death on the cross.

It is a great reference point for Christians.  One that lets us know that in difficult times victory is imminent, regardless of present circumstances.

Yes, salvation came at a great price: the death of innocence – the holy, sinless Son of God, our Saviour.

It continues to be a great topic to write and sing about.

It really is a fulfillment of Genesis 3:15:   And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.

Christ’s heel was bruised, yes, but He bruised the devil’s head.  Hallelujah!!

So while our heels may be bruised from time to time, we know that we are victorious.  We rise over and over again because Jesus rose.

Let us therefore, continue to reference the Cross and reverence the One who triumphed there – just for us.

© Kerina Hall


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