"I Am Becoming..." (#31)

I know you’ve heard the following conversation:

“How are you today?”


Now imagine this instead:

“How are you today?”

“I am becoming.”

“Becoming what?”

“Becoming all that God wants me to be.”

That, my friend is a bold declaration, and one I’ve been using recently.  These are not airy-fairy empty words but a statement of faith and confidence in a sovereign God.  It is the resigning of the will to Him and what He has designed for your life.

Also it is placing the burden (which really is no burden at all!) on God to accomplish His purpose.

Does this mean that your life is perfect and you won’t make mistakes?  Of course not.

The process of 'becoming' is not error- or trial-free.  Rather, it is from the trials and errors that we learn what God expects of us, and what pleases Him.

Here is a case in point:  Writing is a process which consists of editing, revising and restructuring of words and ideas. (If only you could see the discarded drafts which are thrown away!  As we say in local parlance, “Your head would grow!”)

But from these discarded drafts come the final product, so the editing process was really not in vain.

So we should not be discouraged when we fail or “mess up” at times.  We are simply on the road to “becoming”, and developing into God’s ideal man or woman.

Today, right now, let God know you are willing to yield everything to Him and His purpose for you.  I promise you vistas will open like never before, and no matter what, you can truly say: “I am becoming.”

©Kerina Hall


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