Being Yourself In Ministry (#13)

Ministering at Barbados Christian Writers' Expo 2011
Some year ago, on a whim I decided to “Google” my name.

I was surprised to discover there were other “Kerina Halls” in the world.  Hmm... and here was I thinking my name was unique.

Well, thanks to the Internet the world has shrunk considerably.  However, all things considering, I am still unique.  One of a kind.  And so are you.

Now after digesting that entrée, let’s get to the “meat” of this post. 

It is vitally important for those of us who minister to be ourselves in ministry.  And incidentally, this topic was dealt with on the His World Radio broadcast hosted by my husband and me on January 13, 2011.

One of the scripture passages used was Psalm 139:13-16 which portrays God’s creative genius at work in designing a human being.  Verse 13 (NLT) tells us that we were knitted together in our mother’s womb.

So we are not “cookie-cutter,” mass-produced beings; but carefully and thoughtfully designed creations.

Therefore, since God went to such great lengths in our design, why would we want to be someone else?  Let’s use our gifts and abilities in our own unique way to honour Him.

But you may ask, how can this uniqueness be shown?  Well, we can use the positive aspects of our personality.  For example, were you like me blessed with a healthy sense of humour?  This can be used in your testimonies as you minister.   So what is there about your style that is uniquely yours?  What makes “you”…you?  Think about it and put that signature stamp on your ministry.

Of course, we are all influenced in some way by others.  But I am convinced that we must bring something of ourselves to ministry.  And I am also convinced that God is well pleased when we do this.  It is the ultimate act of gratitude to God when we are ourselves in ministry.

©Kerina Hall

For more info on this topic, such as a transcript of the broadcast, you may email

For info on other topics covered on His World Radio broadcast see my Facebook page notes.


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