The Last Dinosaur - *PPD (Phantom Phone Disorder) (#8)

There I was, seated at my dining table enjoying lunch when I was disturbed by my cell phone vibrating. 
I reached into my pocket to answer it – only to realize the skirt I was wearing had no pocket!  There was no cell phone either, yet, I distinctly felt the familiar vibration of my phone near my hip.
What was going on here?!  I had heard about “phantom leg” – a condition experienced by amputees who “feel” the excruciating pain of a missing limb.  But a phantom cell phone?  What next?
Since that time I have lessened the amount of times I place the phone in my pocket and also the amount of times I put it on 'vibrate'.  I haven't experienced PPD since.
Some of us suffer from emotional PPD.  We are still affected by traumatic events of the past.  We still feel the pain of things we really should forget.  These “phantoms” can really play havoc with our lives.  That is, if we let them.
I knew someone who was so affected by their phantoms that whenever this person  recalled a  particular distressing event,  tears  would always be the inevitable outcome.  Their pain was still very raw and very real, even though the event occurred many years ago.
So,  how do we deal with phantoms?  As the song says “Give them all to Jesus…and He’ll turn [our] sorrow into joy.”
Emotional PPD can indeed be a thing of the past.                      

  * PPD -  A term coined by me. 
By the way, I encourage you to visit "His World Digital" - a blog with which I am affiliated.  Happy Reading!!

© Kerina Hall


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