Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs (#12)

“All honour, all glory, all power to you.”

I couldn’t believe it when I walked into church and heard this worship chorus being sung by the worship team and congregation.

This song had been on my mind this past week.  And I found myself playing it a number of times on my keyboard.

What a worshipful way to enter church.

Such is the power of a spiritual song.  Such is the power of the Holy Spirit to inspire such a song; to move in the heart of a songwriter and enable him/her to organize and structure it in such a way to achieve the maximum spiritual impact! 

Having a perfect marriage of lyrics and melody is nothing short of miraculous!  It has to be the work of the Holy Spirit.

Psalms, hymns and spiritual songs help us to connect with God; they bring intimacy.  They also help us to connect with each other in a corporate setting, since the worship of Jesus is our common goal.

In a private setting they comfort and assure us.  No wonder the Apostle Paul encouraged us in this way:

 “Speak to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord…” (Ephesians 5:19 New International Version).

©Kerina Hall


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