I Have, Therefore I Am? (#9)

It’s crunch time! - that time in the morning when you are about to leave home.  Time is racing away. 
Someone is honking the horn in the car outside! As usual, you are late!  This, despite your best efforts to be on time.
Okay, you’re almost through the door now.  You do a mental and physical inventory.  Iron switched off?  Check!  Plug out? Check!  Keys?  Check!  Lunch?  Check!  Purse?  Check!  Cash in purse?  Double check!
Alright then!  Everything is in place (hair included).  You race frantically through the door.
Now you’ve arrived safely at your destination (mercifully in one piece) only to discover…No... it can’t be…you’ve forgotten your cell phone at home.  This is a disaster of gigantic proportions (worthy of a good old bajan *'stupse'!).  How will you survive?
Later that day you’re experiencing withdrawal symptoms.  Anxiety attacks are the order of the day.  A stranger innocently takes out his phone and you’ve lost it!  You’re forced to rely on that relic –the landline!  Could this day be any worse?
Have you experienced this scenario or witnessed someone who has?  I assure you, it is not a pretty sight, and can be very amusing.  And yet, it points to a very serious matter:  It illustrates the value we place on our gadgets.
Now, don’t misunderstand me.  I like gadgets too.  But I think we need to be the ones in control and make sure they don’t control us.  They are simply tools designed to make our tasks and lives easier.
So…You forgot your cell phone at home.  So what?  It’s not a body-part you were born with.  It’s not vital to your existence like food or water.
Before our gadgets like cell phones, we used landlines, telephone directories, pay phones etc.; and we survived very well, thank you!
Now we’ve made our gadgets fashion accessories.  What’s more, we’ve attached moral values to them.  They are defining who we are.
But it’s who we are inside that matters, rather than what we have.  It’s our relationship with God and others that is important.
Oh, I’m excited like anyone else with the technological advances: the latest apps, new phones which are rolled out constantly.  But I’m more excited about how they can be used to communicate the love of God to others, and invite them to have an enduring relationship Jesus Christ!

*Stupse: To suck teeth in annoyance.

© Kerina Hall


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