Who Are You Really? (#124)

Who are you?

If I could see you face to face I would ask you this question.

Those of you who have read this blog over a period of time would know some things about me.  From the various posts I’ve written you may have gotten a glimpse of some aspects of my personality.

But, I wonder, who are you?

I’m not necessarily interested in where you work, went to school, etc.  But I would really like to know what your passion is; what is it that makes you tick.  What are you called to do?

Here’s another question for you?

Can you say unflinchingly who you are and what your purpose is?

Some more questions for you…  

How committed are you to this purpose; in other words, how often are you actively engaged in its pursuit?  And, how do you intend to develop and improve in your calling?

Now to my last question…

Have you given your passion to God?  He gave it to you in the first place; shouldn’t you give it back to Him, asking for His blessing and guidance as you pursue it?

Just asking…!

©Kerina Hall


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