Disappointment? - His Appointment! (#126)

I’ve been visited by an unwelcome visitor recently. 

A cold

Nothing like a cold to put you out of commission.  It is a nightmare for the singer, preacher, in fact, anyone really.

However, it is the perfect time for indoor activities like writing and keyboarding.  So while this cold runs its course, these will be my main activities.

You know, I am reminded of an old preacher who said that whenever you experience disappointment, just remove the “D” and replace it with an “H” instead.  So disappointment becomes His – God’s – appointment.

Yes, this is the perfect God-given opportunity to use your time in other meaningful pursuits.

In other words, your adversity becomes a door where good can be achieved.

©Kerina Hall


  1. An interesting post. Glad you have God in your life. Keep writing!

    Thank you. Love love, Andrew. Bye.

    1. Thanks Andrew for your feedback and encouraging words! keep reading!!


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