
Showing posts from October, 2013

Truly Awesome! (# 97)

A truly awesome evening last Saturday, October 19. The event was the “Our God Is Awesome Concert” sponsored by the Black Rock Wesleyan Holiness Church and held at Mount of Praise Wesleyan. Apparently God was on display both in and out of the church – the sky was lit with nature’s “fireworks” of thunder and lightning; while on the inside the church was lit with magnificent display of colourful stage lighting which illustrated the theme of God’s awesomeness! Great ministry from fellow artistes: Neesha Woodz, De Warrior, Sis Marshall, Patrick Forde, Sydney Yearwood (a member of Black Rock Wesleyan), Faith Dancers, The Silvertones of Barbados and the Salvation Army Orchestra. Really a well deserved tribute to an awesome God!! The pleasure was mine! ©Kerina Hall

God’s Fragrance (# 96)

What’s your favourite perfume? You know, that one you can’t do without.  That one which has become your signature scent. Yes, that one! What is my favourite perfume?  Hmmn…wouldn’t you like to know!! Yes, that one! Come to think of it, what is God’s perfume?  Hmmn… We are, of course.  Here’s what 2 Corinthians 14b-16 says: “Now he [God] uses us to spread the knowledge of Christ everywhere, like a sweet perfume.   Our lives are a Christ-like fragrance rising up to God. But this fragrance is perceived differently by those who are being saved and by those who are perishing.   To those who are perishing, we are a dreadful smell of death and doom.  But to those who are being saved, we are a life-giving perfume. And who is adequate for such a task as this? ” Wow!  What an awesome task and responsibility – to be seen as God’s fragrance. Through us the world gets a picture of what God is like.  The objective is to draw others to Him, to portray His godlin

“Our God Is Awesome” – The Gospel Concert (# 95)

    October 19, 2013 is the date scheduled for the “Our God Is Awesome Gospel Concert” sponsored by the Black Rock Wesleyan Holiness Church and held at the Mount of Praise Wesleyan here in Barbados. I will be ministering, along with a potpourri of very talented local artistes – such as Sis. Margreta Marshall, Neesha Woodz, The Warrior etc. (please see posters for details). What a privilege and honour to join with other artistes to, as we say in the Caribbean, “Big-up” or magnify the name of Jesus our Awesome Lord. ©Kerina Hall

The Real “Us” (# 94)

Who are we underneath the facade we present to the world? Hmmn…. Who are we really underneath the physical layers of make-up, fashionable clothing, ‘App-ening’ gadgets, etc? Who are we behind the happy smiles, and serene facades we present to colleagues and friends? Who can ever know the real “us?” God can.  God does. The real “us” is who we are when no one is around.  The real “us” emerges in stressful situations – those times when we are very vulnerable. People may have false perceptions of who we are, but God knows the real “us.”   As Matt Redmond says in his song, “Heart of Worship” : “You search much deeper within, Than the way things appear, You’re looking into my heart” Wouldn't you like to spend time with God who knows the real you and yet loves you unconditionally – flaws and all? I would.  I do . ©Kerina Hall

“Rejoice”…Again! (# 93)

Here we go again! Since I’ve written and release the latest song, “Rejoice” I can’t seem to get that word and all it entails out of my mind. That concept is still resonating with me in a big way! I’ve been thinking lately that to rejoice is really an act of spiritual warfare.  For when we are facing trials, we are reacting in a contrary fashion – that is, instead of sorrowing, we are singing praises. Can’t help but reflect (again!) on the Apostle Paul in a Philippian jail encouraging his readers to “R ejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice” (Philippians 4:4). To rejoice is to be willfully confident that God will deliver, and it is an acknowledgement of His presence with you in your fiery furnace. So go on.  I dare you to rejoice…Again! ©Kerina Hall 

A Reason To Live (# 92)

“I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the   Lord ” (Psalm 118:7) These words adorn a wall in my home. I really believe this, and it is a visible reminder of my purpose on this earth – “to declare the works of the Lord.” It is because of this declaration that I am saddened when I hear of people who are suicidal. My heart goes out to them.  It really does. Recently I heard of one such story.  A friend related how she managed to persuade someone not to commit suicide.  Thank God for her intervention. Regardless of your situation, do not give up.  There is so much to live for. May God lead us to inspire and bring hope to persons who think they have nothing to live for.  Let’s tell them that God has made each of us with a divine purpose to serve Him and others with our gifts and talents. Let’s give them a reason to live. ©Kerina Hall 

Truth or Expediency (# 91)

                               “… All who love the truth recognize that what I say is true.”                         “What is truth?” Pilate asked.   (John 18: 37b – 38a) Political correctness is the name of the game.  At least for Pontius Pilate. His concern was not an innocent man’s freedom but pleasing, or should I say, “cooling down” the religious leaders and an angry mob. The scene of course, is the trial of Jesus – first before Caiaphas the Jewish High Priest, then before Pilate. Pilate on his own admission acknowledged the innocence of Jesus.  “ He is not guilty of any crime (v38).  Yet he acquiesces to the angry mob. And, as always, truth is sacrificed on the altar of expediency. But what is truth, you ask. Truth is something which has no price, it is nonnegotiable.  It is a noble virtue.  It is worth dying for. Jesus could have lied and denied His identity, and His purpose for coming to earth.  But He didn’t.  He died for the tru

Faith…From A Distance (# 90)

“ All these faithful ones died without receiving what God had promised them, but they saw it all from a distance and welcomed the promises of God”(Hebrew 11:13a, NLT). I will never forget my entry into the University of the West Indies.  At the orientation exercise Professor Sir Hilary Beckles, who is now the Principal, gave a very inspiring speech.  And I distinctly remember these words: “Graduation is a very spiritual moment…” These words would echo in my ear throughout my four years at UWI. But more importantly was the conviction and assurance that God would see me through those years of study.  And He did. You see, I saw myself graduating with my degree from a distance.  But that was not all; I moved in the direction of my degree. I did – with God’s help – what was needed to be done to get there.  I tried to hand in assignments on time; I spent long hours preparing for exams, etc. – the usual UWI ‘rigour!’ I realize now in hindsight that I exercised