Nature’s Sweet Treats (# 80)

Sugar apples – one of nature’s sweet treats – are another fruit in season here in Barbados.

How we love them.  “We” of course also includes birds and ants!


Last year when my tree bore would you believe the birds got there before I did?  I discovered the “shell” of an apple hanging from the tree.

In my opinion, that was one apple too many for the birds and ants!

So this year vigilance is the word!  Round the clock surveillance will be employed!
But I don’t know how feasible this plan is since these creatures awaken before I do!


You know, it’s amazing how God has provided for all of His creation.  Birds, especially, have it made.  Theirs is a varied diet.  They fly from tree to tree eating a variety of fruits without having to work.  They also eat scraps we discard.

I thought of this recently as I watched a humming bird fly from flower to flower, getting its fill of nectar.

God has also provided for us as well.  In spite of the various challenges, we have so much to be thankful for.  And we have the responsibility to ensure that others who are less fortunate share in the blessings that we have received.

That is one of the reasons, I believe, we have such blessings.

©Kerina Hall


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