Let Your Flamboyance Shine (# 82)

Each year it happens without fail.  In mid-year the sky is on fire with the brilliant scarlet blossoms of the flamboyant trees.

These trees are really flamboyant indeed – their branches stretch out into a beautiful display of vibrant colour.  Really lovely!

Alas, during the season I discovered one almost overrun by a troublesome, meandering vine.

How did this happen?  Well it did not happen overnight.  The vine grew and grew – unhindered.

You know, bad habits, vices if left unchecked will destroy our beauty – physically or spiritually.  The thing is to get rid of them early, before they have a chance to take root and grow.

Let’s do an internal audit today and ask God to help us to get rid of any ‘vines’ which may pose a potential danger to our character.

Let’s make our flamboyance shine through!

©Kerina Hall


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