Blind-sided (# 81)

It happened.  Despite my best efforts to avoid it.  What am I talking about?

Remember my last post about the sugar apples?  Well, I have been picking quite a few these days – determined to beat the birds at their game.

So, just yesterday I went outside to check on some more.  (You know sugar apples are ready to be picked when rind segments begin to separate)

“Nope,” I said to myself.  “These are not ready yet.”

Then I saw it – an empty shell of an apple hanging on the tree.  The birds had beaten me again!

This happened last year and I had vowed it wouldn’t this year.

But how did this happen, anyway?  Each day I was looking and picking the apples that were ready, never missing any.  How did I miss this one?

A silly question, really, when you think about it.  Who has a better vantage point – a bird in a tree, or a human being on the ground?

You know the answer.  Yes, exactly!

So…score one for the birds!  They beat me on my blind side.  They saw what I couldn’t.

Reminds me of how easy it is to miss flaws in our character which may be glaring to others – more so to God.

No wonder the Psalmist David said, “ Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts:  And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting” (Psalm 139:23, 24).

God is able to see our blind sides and forgive and correct or change us so we can be more like Him.  But we need to be willing to ask Him to do this.

No need to be blind-sided anymore!

©Kerina Hall


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