…A Personal Saviour (#63)

One of the fascinating aspects of Christianity is the idea of a personal Saviour.  One who is interested in the individual’s concerns.
This fact resonated with me in a powerful way this Easter because of my recent illness and amazing recovery as a result of unceasing prayer.
In the book of John we see Jesus’ post resurrection ministry to his disciples.
First in the twentieth chapter, He appears to Mary Magdalene and comforts her.  Next, He appears to the disciples and shows a doubting Thomas the evidence he desires to prove His resurrection.  “Put your finger here, and look at my hands. Put your hand into the wound in my side. Don’t be faithless any longer. Believe!” (v27)
In the next chapter Jesus appears again to the disciples.  This time he supplies them with fish – fish which he cooked Himself!  Then He issues this invitation:  “Now come and have some breakfast!” (v12 New Living Translation).
What a loving and personal Saviour He is!
After breakfast, in what an article in the NLT Touch Point Bible calls a “touching interchange,” Jesus continues the personal focus and helps Peter to understand that love involves action and also obedience.
“…Simon son of John, do you love me? ...Then feed my sheep” (v17).
This is Jesus, our Personal Saviour!
©Kerina Hall


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