Thanking God for 2012 (#53)

Old Year’s Day, New Year’s Eve.  Call it what you will, another year is retiring while a new one is beginning.

At this time of year we tend to be reflective…Did I accomplish all of my goals/dreams in 2012?

If you haven’t there is hope: a new year means new opportunities.  And let’s face it… is there anyone who has indeed accomplished all they intended to this past year?

Instead of feeling guilty and discouraged we should give thanks to God for what we were able to achieve.

What have you accomplished this year?  Were you able to recover from some illness, or overcome some financial challenge?  Did you experience new areas of growth, personally, or corporately?  Are you in the process of doing so?  Or was it a hard, difficult year?

You know, in spite of everything you made it to the end of 2012.  So many others haven’t.  You have the blessing of life.  That is something for which to be thankful.

As the New Year beckons, you can say like Psalmist David “O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever” (Psalm 106:1).

As you reflect on the past year, have the assurance that God will carry you into the New Year and his mercy will take you through 2013.

Have a blessed and God-filled 2013.

©Kerina Hall


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