God, Our Help…Our Hope (#49)

“Lord, thou hast been our dwelling place in all generations” (Psalm 90:1).

Yesterday, November 30, Barbados celebrated 46 years of independence.  This is a time to look back with thanksgiving and nostalgia. 

During the month there were exhibits of relics from the past on display at the library and even in some stores in Bridgetown.

While at the library recently I gingerly lifted a heavy flat iron and jokingly remarked to two of the staff members that it could be used as a dumbbell!  We really have come a long way!

For me, the connection between the past and the future is God.  As a nation we would not have made it without Him and in these uncertain times I am convinced we will not survive without Him directing our way.

Just talk to any of our many centenarians and they will tell you of God’s help during the difficult time they have experienced.  Many of them only had a basic education, and made their living as labourers, plantation workers and servants.  Yet by dint of hard work and thriftiness they were able to contribute to the building of this country and also provide for their families.

Others emigrated to various places like the United States, the United Kingdom, Panama and Cuba, and were able to support their families at home in Barbados.

Another thing these old folks will tell you about is their strong commitment to God and church.  They also ensured that their children were brought up in the fear of God.

We would do well to emulate their fine example.

As our nation looks back and reminisces, may the testimonies of these nation builders inspire us to follow in their footsteps and acknowledge God as our hope for the future.

©Kerina Hall


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