God’s Perfect Timing (#52)

“But when the fullness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law…” (Galatians 4:4).

God’s timing is always perfect.  The time and circumstances of the birth of Christ was no coincidence.  It was all a deliberate act of God.

He was born to lowly parents.  Mary and Joseph were ordinary people like you and me.  The Jewish nation was under Roman rule.  His birth occurred in a stable, not a palace.

But why?  What was God up to by choosing to send His Son into these less than ideal circumstances?  And why at that time?

I believe it was for the purpose of identification.  Jesus, the Saviour of the world, came in the form of man in order to relate to us at our lowest point.  He came to be part of our less than ideal situations; to redeem and set us free from sin; to show us a better way of living.

It was God’s appointed time that the Saviour was born.  This was the time for God’s favour to be seen.  The time for the fulfillment of what had been promised to mankind.

So, are you awaiting the fulfillment of a promise from God?  The Bible tells us that God “is not slack concerning his promise…”  He will bring it to pass, no matter how long the wait may seem.  It will happen – in God’s time.

Christmas, the birth of the long-awaited Saviour, Jesus Christ, is proof-positive that God keeps His promise.

©Kerina Hall


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