The Last Dinosaur: Delayed But Not Deterred (#43)

 “…A robot faster than Usain Bolt!”

These words grabbed my attention as I sat viewing the sport news on TV a couple months ago.  And there it was.  This robot appearing to exceed Usain’s record.

But what really intrigued, amazed, and amused me was this other robot which was characterized as undefeatable.  And to demonstrate this, someone came from nowhere and gave it a vicious kick as it was walking.  (Talk about violence to machines!)

Well, the robot staggered a little, knees buckled and all; then, it straightened and just continued walking on its merry way.

Hmmm.  If only that could be our response when we are “kicked” by obstacles of life.  If only we could straighten up and realize that God’s love is unconditional and that His acceptance is always there for us.  That is power to demolish strongholds and obstacles in our way, for sure.

We could walk into our destinies delayed but never deterred.

©Kerina Hall


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