Missed Understandings (#26)

Some years ago my husband undertook a solo rescue mission.  The victim?  A cat hooked by his small chain in the mesh wire of the back fence of the apartment complex in which we lived at that time.

For this kind and compassionate act, my husband was rewarded with a hiss, a snarl, and a wicked jab from this miniature, sabre-toothed creature! 

Still, my goal-oriented hubby pressed on and eventually succeeded in freeing the unthankful feline, who in local parlance “scratched off” (pun intended) faster than Usain Bolt!

To this day we still laugh at this amusing incident.

But laughter aside, it is my belief that fear is the reason for a lot of the misunderstanding we experience today.  (Just like the cat misunderstood my husband’s attempt to free him)  This irrational fear causes us to lash out at those who are trying to help us.

Our Lord, Jesus, is certainly an example of someone who suffered from “missed” understanding.  He was rejected because people could not believe that He was the Son of God in the flesh.

Everything pointed to this fact – the prophecies, the miracles, the teachings, etc – but because of unbelief He was rejected.  The people among whom He walked could not see the real picture – that He was God’s love in action.

May we always see the real picture and avoid “missed” understandings.

©Kerina Hall


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