Devotions, Devotions, Devotions - Worship, An Expression of Love (#27)

"I love the Lord because He hears my voice and my supplications. 
Because He has inclined His ear to me
Therefore I shall call upon Him as long as I live"
                                                                   Psalm 116:1 ( NASB)

'I Love you'  -  three words packed with emotional intensity.  We've said them (hopefully) to our spouses, children, family, friends.  (if you have not done so lately, now would be  a good time to do this).

But, have we said them lately to the Lord?

These  three words reflect the intimacy of our relationship to our Heavenly Father and all it implies: our desire to be with Him; our gratitude for answered prayer; our thanks for being a confidant -  One who forgives, corrects, and One who loves  us passionately,  and always has our best interests at heart.

In this psalm, David expresses his sincere love and  gratitude to God in a praise-song of thanks to Him  for His deliverance from various troubles.

Someone has rightly said it is impossible to separate who God is from what He does.  It is His love which prompts Him to act on our behalf.

So spend some time just basking in and reflecting on His love for you as you let Him know how much you love him.  You may also want to meditate on some Psalms  in which David expresses his love for God in worship: Psalms  116, 18, 111 to name a few...  

I'm sure you can think of others.

©Kerina Hall


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