The Real Sensation (#3)

Sensationwhat we learn through senses, excited feeling or state of excitement, strong impression (Collins Contemporary Dictionary).

So much of what we experience today is gained through our reaction to external stimuli.  This accounts to some extent for the success of the advertising industry.
We are strongly attracted to something through the sense of sight – that which is visual.  For example, that dress we cannot afford is a must-have because it looks so good on the model wearing it.  We are persuaded daily by infomercials to buy products and services we really do not need.
As a gospel artiste I prefer to think of God as a “sensation.”  I get excited about Him and what He is doing in my life.  That is sensational!
Having said that, let me now comment on the term “gospel sensation” which appears on the Google Search results page in association with my website,
I am convinced that it was well-intentioned by the designer and done in good faith as a means of promotion.  In this regard, therefore, the intention is greatly appreciated.
Also, I recognize that this term “gospel sensation” is generally used in the promotion of artistes.  However, I prefer to think of the One whom I serve – Jesus Christ – as the real sensation. And I encourage you to get excited about Him and what He can do in your life.
If you visit my website and check out “My Story” you will see the sensational way God has been working to bring me into His divine purpose.
I need to say that I have been trying (from last year when was up) to have this term “gospel sensation” removed since it does not reflect my view of myself.
…Alas, my website has been dormant for reasons beyond my control, so I encourage you instead to continue to visit me here at this blog as I continue to share with you what the real sensation, Jesus Christ, is doing in my life.
© Kerina Hall


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