The Last Dinosaur (#2)

     Technology can be quite daunting at least for me.  That's why I think I am the last dinosaur: someone from a prehistoric era.  I remember all too well the good old days of cassette tapes, and tape recorders.  Remember those days?  ( okay, I realise my age is showing here!)  Oh the joys of recording music on a tape recorder and being able to rewind or fast-forward at will? Now I've scarcely gotten used to Cd's then along came Mp3s, digital voice recorders etc and all the other devices I can't recall.  But, time marches on and so must I.  I'm told the only constant is change.  But... wait a minute; "Hold your horses !" as we would say in this part of the world. What about God?  What about salvation through Jesus Christ? Thank God for these unchangeables!    A dinosaur like me can finally exhale!                   


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