The Last Dinosaur - "Trying A T'ing" (#5)

I really thought I was the last dinosaur – a relic from the non-gadget era, struggling on my journey through the world of modern technology.
That was my thinking until a friend told me of her futile attempts to upload a document to her social media account.  After trying various options which didn’t work, that project was “put to bed.”
I felt her pain; I really did.  But it was gratifying to know that I was not the only one.  And I suspect that there are more of us out there -  Closet dinosaurs;  people like me who get lost in high-tech conversations; who forget passwords and are regularly asked to decipher a jumbled word to prove our non-robotic status!  Welcome to the club.
But I believe that when we are faced with problems of any kind we must never give up.  We must always have the “try a t’ing” mindset.  Be willing to explore solutions, to experiment.  Failing that, simply Google or ask a patient young friend for help. I encourage you to read my brief Facebook article “The Creative Impulse and Problem Solving.”
And you know, we can always pray about whatever problem we face.  Now, is God concerned about the fact that you are lost in cyber space?  Of course He is, and you’ll be surprised to know that He can help you find the solution to your problem.  He can even tell you which t’ing to try!

1.    Try A T’ing – a local saying meaning to try something.

2.    The Creative Impulse: The Cure for Boredom
          by His World Radio broadcast on Thursday, 26 May 2011

 Creative people are never bored. They find pieces of cloth and a patch-work quilt emerges.  They write and compose poetry and songs while waiting for a friend to arrive.  During 'down' time they improve their skills. In other words, they find ways to "redeem the time."  When the 'up' time arrives, they are ready to walk through the doors of opportunity. I'm sure we can all find ways to be creative in our 'down’ times.

 ©Kerina Hall


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