
God's Action File!

"...Don't be afraid Daniel. Since the first day you began to pray for understsanding and to humble yourself before your God, your request has been heard in heaven..." (Daniel 10:12 NLT) I will admit being organised is not one of my attributes.  But because of my gift of writing & composing,  I am forced to be organised... Well, sort of ! To this end, I have created an 'action' file which contains my various in-progress writings. Mind you, I have not opened this file in recent times! Yes, this is something I must take action on! You know, unlike us, God is always taking action when we present our prayers to Him. I know we can get discouraged when we do not get instant answers to our prayer requests. But let's get some encouragement from someone in the Bible.   Daniel had a perplexing vision and prayed for understanding what it meant. It would take twenty one days before Daniel received the explanation of the vision. He was told by an angel that the answer h

Of Panic, Prayer, Prophecy, and Promptings

What do you do when you are faced with an unexpected situation? If you are like me you press the panic button! Thankfully, my faith 'kicked' in and I prayed fervently for a miracle. Yes, it would take nothing less than a miracle for this girl waiting at the bus stop with no money to get home! How did that happen? Well, she left home with just bus fare for one trip; confident she had her purse in her bag. But She forgot that it was still in her 'church bag' from the day before. She had forgotten remove it! So there she was - waiting for a miracle and humming "Still I Rise" to counter the panic which would rise now and then. Suddenly, she found herself saying these prophetic words: "Whoever you are, stop and give me a ride home!" Sometime later, the miracle occurred! A minister-friend pulled up at the bus stop and offered her a lift.   Apparently he was on his way home and was debating which road he should take.   He was impressed

Giving Life

There I was enjoying a program on television when suddenly there was a loud "boom!", then total darkness both in and outside as well. Away I hustled to find candles in their designated spot. Soon the house was lit with the soft, dim glow of candle light. Fortunately, this was short-lived and the electricity was restored. After this, I felt like some piano playing was needed at this time, and went to the Music Room. When I got there I found my keyboard still plugged in to the  surge  protector. Alas, I could not not play my keyboard  because apparently the sudden  surge of electricity had knocked out the surge protector!   In other words it had given its 'life' to protect my keyboard! You know, it reminded me of God's Salvation plan.  Jesus' intervention in our lives was a rescue mission. His selfless sacrifice involved the giving of His life to save us. We are protected from the judgement of a Holy God because His son Christ Jesus,  paid the ultim

Redeeming The time

" Redeeming the times, because the days are evil. (Ephesians 5:16) What do you do when you are waiting for.......? You get productive! You engage in a " I -haven't- done-this-for- a- long- time-hobby. That hobby for me is what you see in the photo - making jewelry accessories. The bible talks about redeeming the time because the days are evil. I like to think of it as adding value to time. In these evil times we must produce something of positive value to counteract the negatives all around us. For Christians that means Spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ in whatever way we can Let us not waste time; but redeem it.

Keep Going

Can you tell the exact moment a flower appears? Can you see your hair actually growing? What about -should I say it? -when you actually gain weight? Do you see the pounds piling on? Sometimes, when we are working on a project it seems as if there is no end in sight; We are stuck in the present mode! Hold on! As long as we keep at it, progress is happening. It's not the "devil in the details', but progress! Over time the results we desire will manifest. But only if we "Keep Going" By the way, that's the title of one of my songs on my album "Going with Jesus" You can check it out on various digital sites. In addition, for info about my songs see my Youtube Channel. You are invited to like, share & subscribe. Kerina Hall

"Make It Over"

The beautiful Lewis/ Wickham Boardwalk in Bridgetown Barbados! Recently, it has been out of comission due to major repairs.  Now restored to its former glory, it has once again become the the joy of every pedestrian. You know, sometimes we too can become worn and weary from various life situations and often we are in need of restoration. I have discovered that in times like these I can call on Jesus. By giving my situations to Him, He is able to turn things around like no one else can! Yes, He gives me & my problems a complete make -over. And He helps me to " Make it over" every hurdle in my way. This, incidentally is the title of one of my songs on my new  Album "Going with Jesus" Here is a link where you can check out "Make it Over" & other songs: Here's to your make- over!! Kerina Hall

Back on Track (2)

Hi Everyone! It's been a long time since I have posted.   Yes. I know.  I have been engaged in promoting my music.  Recently I have released a new  album entitled "Going with Jesus''. It is available on many digital sites. I will however be posting some blog entries from time to time.                                              I trust you are still believing and looking to Jesus as the source of your strength and faith.  Indeed He is the only one we can depend on in these troubled times. That  is why I choose to go with Him. I invite you to like and subscribe to my youtube channel. You can also follow me on Fb and instagram Blessings on you Kerina Hall