Giving Life

There I was enjoying a program on television when suddenly there was a loud "boom!", then total darkness both in and outside as well.

Away I hustled to find candles in their designated spot.
Soon the house was lit with the soft, dim glow of candle light.

Fortunately, this was short-lived and the electricity was restored.

After this, I felt like some piano playing was needed at this time, and went to the Music Room.

When I got there I found my keyboard still plugged in to the  surge  protector. Alas, I could not not play my keyboard  because apparently the sudden  surge of electricity had knocked out the surge protector! 

 In other words it had given its 'life' to protect my keyboard!

You know, it reminded me of God's Salvation plan.  Jesus' intervention in our lives was a rescue mission. His selfless sacrifice involved the giving of His life to save us. We are protected from the judgement of a Holy God because His son Christ Jesus,  paid the ultimate price to save us.

Sin could have destroyed us had Jesus not intervened.  As one songwriter says .."He took the fall and thought of me above all"

Take a moment and thank Him today!


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