
Showing posts from April, 2014

Fruit That Remains! (#149)

“…I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain…” (John 15:16a KJV). Fruit bearing is an interesting phenomenon.  First comes the blossoms, then the fruit appears! The other day while looking through my window I was surprised to see one small sugar apple on the tree.  And as I looked closer I saw blossoms and other small fruits. When did this happen? It seems the other day – not so long ago – the leaves were dry.  Now all those have fallen off, and been replaced with green leaves. As is the case with fruit trees some of the blossoms and fruit will fall to the ground, but some will remain.  Those that do will mature into fruit ready to be picked. The verse above tells us that we were anointed and appointed by God to bear fruit which has value, and which will be of service to others. When we are conscious of this fact we will use our God-given abilities in service for Him and so bring oth

Heroes Needed! (#148)

April 28 is designated National Heroes Day in Barbados.   Our heroes are Bussa, Sarah Ann Gill, Samuel Jackman Prescod, Dr. Charles Duncan O’Neal, Clement Osbourne Payne , Sir Grantley Herbert Adams , Sir Errol Walton Barrow, Sir Hugh Worrell Springer, Sir Frank Leslie Walcott, and Sir Garfield St. Auburn Sobers. We as a nation salute them and their noble deeds in service of our country. But heroes are still needed today.  There is some need we can meet if we open our eyes to situations around us – in our churches and communities.  Certainly there are vacancies we can all fill – in our own area of endeavour.  No, we don’t have to be told about them; there are right before our eyes every day.  I really cannot overemphasize this.  There are areas of need which we have the unique ability to meet; and God is depending on us to do our part. We will be duly rewarded by the greatest hero ever – the Lord Jesus Christ.  He knows all too well the qualities of a hero and w

Living the Crucified Life (#147)

“ I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me” ( Galatians 2:20). The events of the past days (Easter season) have made me reflect on the whole subject of suffering. And well it should.  I have been reminded of the greatest act of suffering and redemption known to man – the Passion of Jesus Christ. Were it not for the resurrection it would have been in vain.  Thank God Jesus rose again and completed this mission – the salvation of mankind. As Christians we also face suffering and persecution at various levels, in various ways. Having been to quite a few funerals recently, I am acutely aware that we are not immune to the sad realities of life. Yet in spite of it all we are still able to cope; we live the crucified life with Jesus and get strength by the “faith of the Son of God” – the ever-living, eve

What Will It Cost You? (#146)

                       Once, a lady with a jar of exquisitely smelling perfume walked into a room where supper was being served. What she did next was amazing and memorable.  She broke the seal and pored the entire contents over the head of a man seated at the table. Soon the fragrance filled the whole room.  Some of those at the table were outraged and wondered why she wasted this precious perfume, saying the money spent on it could have been given to the poor. Now here is the man’s priceless reply: ”Leave her alone, why berate her for doing such a good thing to me?  You will always have the poor among you, and you can help them whenever you want to.  But I will not be here with you much longer.  She has done what she could and has anointed my body for burial ahead of the time…” This man of course was Jesus Christ who in a matter of days would be crucified. Suffice to say everything valuable has a price.  The woman in the story bought an expensive jar of perfume

Spring Cleansing (#145)

Spring is usually a time when plants grow and trees put out new blossoms. With regards to tidying up or cleaning out unwanted “stuff” from a bedroom, our homes, or a storeroom in the yard we talk about spring-cleaning. It seems that Jesus did some spring-cleaning, too, when He carried out a thorough cleansing of the temple (Mark 11:15-18). He removed those who were using it for wrong purposes and carrying out unfair business transactions.  In effect, He restored the temple to its rightful purpose as a place of prayer. He proclaimed, “The Scriptures declare, ‘My Temple will be called a house of prayer for all nations,’ but you have turned it into a den of thieves” (v17 NLT). Yes, spring-cleaning can be a worthwhile exercise; but what about our hearts?  We could do with some cleaning there as well! Actually, we should ensure that this heart cleansing is done on a daily basis. ©Kerina Hall

All Hail King Jesus! (#144)

Palm Sunday has and will always be special for me.  It is the prelude to the dramatic events of what we refer to as Holy Week. I’ve always enjoyed the celebratory atmosphere of Palm Sunday Services.  And it continues to remind me that our Lord Jesus Christ is King of Kings.  So I never tire of reading the account of His Triumphal Ent ry into Jerusalem. The poem below was written after reading my husband’s upcoming article for the “His World Agenda” column in Monday’s edition of Barbados Today . Another Song? We ride with Him into Jerusalem Feeling the heat of the day; Noting with joy the palm leaves Strewn all along the way. We hear the shouts of people As they hail their king; And the shouts of “Hosanna” Is what they now proclaim. But could it be a few days later They are singing another song? A song called “Crucify Him!” Where did we all go wrong? Do have a wonderful Palm Sunday and Holy Week.   May Jesus always be King of your

No Middle-Ground Christianity! (#143)

“I know your deeds,   that you are neither cold nor hot.   I wish you were either one or the other! ” ( Revelation 3:15) As a child there was a rhyme I liked a lot.  It went like this: “Pease porridge hot, pease porridge cold, Pease porridge in the pot nine days old. Some like it hot, some like it cold Some like it in the pot nine days old!” How I liked that rhyme.  Now I’m not so sure anything in the pot nine days old is worth eating! But it is interesting that the two ways the porridge was liked was ‘hot’ or ‘cold.’  Certainly not lukewarm! Jesus in speaking to the Church of Laodicea is against middle-ground Christianity.  Either you’re a Christian or you’re not.  Either be on fire for God with your whole heart or forget about it.  It was Jesus who said no man can serve two masters.  It must be God or Satan! Lukewarmness is to be abhorred. Verse 16 states “ So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth. ”