
Showing posts from March, 2014

Riding the Waves of God’s Will (#142)

One of the benefits of living on a Caribbean island is the pleasure and excitement of constant access to the beach. Often,  I've  watched in fascination the play of the waves coming in and petering out in powered foam along the shoreline.  Also fascinating is seeing objects being carried to and fro, up and down, on the waves. I've  been thinking recently that when we place our lives totally at God’s disposal, we are really doing what’s best for our lives. Yes, there are ups and downs; places we never dreamed of going; things we never imagined doing, and all of it resounds to His glory! As Christians we live the sacrificed life.  A life where we put all of our gifts, time and all we have at God’s disposal. Yes, we ride the waves of God’s will, going in the direction He purposes for us to go and accomplishing His mission for our lives. What a ride! ©Kerina Hall

Rest for the Righteous (#141)

“… My presence shall go with thee, and I will give thee rest” (Exodus 33:14). There is a popular saying which states “There is no rest for the wicked.” We often say this in jest, but how true it really is.  Evil thoughts and actions always cause anxiety. But why not let us turn this saying around so that it says something positive:   “There is much rest for the righteous.”   Take for example, an aspect in the life of that great man Moses – the friend of God. In Chapter 33:13 Moses asks God for help in his leadership task.  It is wonderful to read that God responded immediately.  He assured Moses that His presence will be with him, and rest will be the result! What does it mean to have God’s presence with us?  Well, it means we have a ready audience with God at all times.  It means we have divine assurance of God’s favour, His protection, and His provision.  We also know for sure that He will guide us where He wants us to go.  Psalms 46:1 tells us that “God…is a

Suffering in the Name of Love (#140)

“But he was pierced for our rebellion, crushed for our sins.  He was beaten so we could be whole.  He was whipped so we could be healed.    All of us, like sheep, have strayed away.  We have left God’s paths to follow our own.  Yet the   Lord   laid on him   the sins of us all” (Isaiah 53: 5, 6). ...The language of sacrifice.   Vicarious atonement.   Christ the Saviour suffering on our behalf. We are in the season where we meditate on and remember the death and indeed resurrection of Jesus Christ; and this noble deed of redemption. So very often we forget the extent of what Christ subjected Himself to so that we could be saved. Those of us who have viewed The Passion of the Christ have seen a graphic depiction of that suffering and sacrifice. Suffering and sacrifice are words we would like to omit from the vocabulary of life.  We just don’t want to go there. But Christ went there.  All for us. All in the name of love. ©Kerina Hall

Vision Accomplished! (#139)

Oh the power of vision! The ability to see a desired goal, and the power to move towards the fulfillment of that goal. To this end, all the negative obstacles are overcome because of the greater good which can be achieved. Jesus Christ accomplished His vision and indeed mission by His sacrifice on the Cross of Calvary. He was able to look down the centuries past the pain, humiliation of suffering a cruel death meant for criminals.  He, the innocent Son of God knew that from His death mankind would be re-born and become a generation of people who would truly be the children of God.  Like Him in character and purpose. Oh, the power of vision accomplished! ©Kerina Hall

Leave Something For Heaven! (#138)

There’s a cliché that says some Christians are so heavenly minded they are no earthly good. I can appreciate the acid truth of this statement, especially when we behave like the Thessalonians – who just sat around and waited for Christ’s return. Haven’t we read in the Scriptures our Lord's admonition?  “Occupy till I come” (Luke 19:13). We must be actively involved in winning the lost for Christ. But you know, the converse of the cliché is also true.  That is, some Christians are so earthly minded and no heavenly good. Many have invested so much in this world.  They are well educated, and well off through investments and ownership of “houses and lands.”  Alas, these things have made them feel secure. How sad, indeed. They have forgotten to leave something for heaven! ©Kerina Hall

We Are Family! (#137)

Reflecting on my Singles  Promotions visit to Kings Chapel Church, Spooners Hill recently, I’ve come to the conclusion that the Body of Christ is indeed a family. Members of this family are located at several churches and within various denominations, but the unit is intact. It would seem that through my visits I am discovering an expanding family where there are brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers who have extended appreciation, love and promises of prayerful support. That is family! When the Church ceases to extend these graces – all is lost. And so, I give thanks and a shout-out to my “family” at Kings Chapel – Pastor Yearwood, his lovely wife, elders and congregation for their royal welcome and generous support. We are indeed family! ©Kerina Hall