
Showing posts from February, 2014

In the Morning (#136)

                     Morning means a lot to us, doesn’t it? It means hope, renewal, a chance to start over again. After the darkness of night which symbolizes fear and pain, morning is seen as a welcome relief from the “horrors” of the night. Alas, sometimes morning seems so far away.  It seems as if trials are never-ending. But that is just a perception; a momentary response to prolonged pain. Morning will come.  It will! The Bible assures us that “weeping may endure for the night, but joy comes in the morning” (Psalm 30:5). But how will it happen? Sometimes we have what I call “prefect problems.”  Problems that seem impossible to solve and finding a way out is a recipe for stress! But God has the solution.  I have seen Him find unique and creative ways to solve problems; ways I would never have thought of. But, that’s the kind of God He is – unique, creative, powerful! So I encourage you to trust Him; to call on Him.  And while you are p

Choosing Faith (#135)

                               I was asleep when it happened. An earthquake made its presence known on Tuesday February 18 at approximately 5:27 a.m.  It registered 6.5 on the Richter scale. I only found out about it later on Facebook.  I was not the only one; others were just as surprised to learn about it. Well, what next? Made me realize how vulnerable we are.  We are no match for the forces of nature.  The thing about earthquakes is that you cannot forecast their arrival! All we can do is observe safety precautions after they occur. You know as human beings we exist at the mercies of God; as I said before we are vulnerable. And so I choose to put myself in God’s hands, instead of giving into fear of the unknown.  To do otherwise is to live a life controlled by fear and the “what-ifs.” Yes, I will be aware of, and practice the necessary safety measures, but I choose to live by faith. ©Kerina Hall

Encouragement 101 [One on One] (#134)

Recently I met with an unpublished writer (poet and songwriter) who wanted to know the ins and outs of publishing. As it turned out she had most of the tools already.  She just needed encouragement to step out into the unknown. I must admit it was a good feeling to know that I was able to encourage and inspire someone. So now I want to encourage you to do the same.  Find someone in your own field/career path to inspire. Here are some suggestions: 1)     Share your experience.  Be vulnerable.  You were not an overnight success; so let them know about your fears, the mistakes you made and how you overcame them. 2)     Be open, engaging, and simple.  People do not want a lecture. 3)     Be positive. Let them know they can succeed.  A positive, cheerful attitude is contagious. 4)     Do not do everything for them.  Give them the tools – the know-how, and then let them do the footwork. These are just a few pointers; perhaps you can think of more. Encoura

A Valentine’s Blessing: “In the Sight of God”! (#133)

Today is Valentine’s Day. After that profound statement let ne send out Happy Valentine’s Day greetings to you and yours. If there is no special “yours” in your life, I’m sure you can think of family members, friends etc. with whom you can extend best wishes. Although we focus on love on this day love is really forever, and has no season. Love of course, originated with God the Father sending us the best gift – His only Son to redeem us and give us a purpose for living. A point to ponder as we celebrate with our loved ones on this day. By the way in honour of this special day you can enjoy my love song “In the Sight of God.”  Simply Google Kerina Hall Reverbnation or Kerina Hall Music and listen to the song. Blessings at Valentine’s. ©Kerina Hall

Call Him By His Name! (#132)

“His name is Jesus, Jesus, Jesus Why don’t you call Him by His name?” A chorus we once sang regularly here in Barbados.  I will admit, however, I haven’t heard it in a long while! I think it is important as a Gospel artiste that some reference to God or Jesus is present in my songs. There are so many “gods” out there that there must be no doubt which God I worship.  He is too important and has done so much for me to be ignored in my work. Interestingly, I’ve noticed that other religious artistes, for example, those of the Rastafarian persuasion, are not shy about boldly proclaiming their god Selassie. It’s throughout their music; from Bob Marley to the present generation. Why should we as Christians have a no-name God? Let’s be bold and call Him by His name – Jesus! Jesus! Jesus! ©Kerina Hall

A Special Kind of Love (#131)

Love is in the air! Next Friday will be Valentine’s Day, the day set aside for the celebration of love. Many will be wearing the tradition red and white clothing. Really, everyday should be a celebration of love.  Others need to know that we care always, not just on Valentine’s Day. So who do you love today?  Your husband, wife, parents, children, friends?   What about your enemies? Hmm.  Now that takes a special kind of love. That kind of love is an act of the will; it transcends feelings. Imagine loving someone who has done you some wrong. As I said before, that takes a special kind of love. It takes the love of God in our hearts to achieve this.  We give Him the hurt and pain, and He frees us up and releases us so that we can love those persons who are against us. There is no better example of this kind of love than John 3:16 .  “ For God so loved   the world that he gave   his one and only Son,   that whoever believes   in him shall not peri

That Once-in-a-Lifetime Moment (#130)

   “God is able to save God is able to keep My God is able, abundantly able All of my needs to supply” A popular chorus here in Barbados which really speaks to the power of God to sustain us. As it relates to the promises God has made to us, I’ve found this chorus to be so true.  I can think of times when I have been ill and received healing just before special ministry opportunities! You know there are some once-in-a-lifetime moments which come our way.  At these times we see the fulfillment of God’s promises to us.  But He is able keep us until then. Take for example, the promise God made to Anna and Simeon.  To these two old people  He had said that they would not die until they had seen Jesus the Messiah. Was it coincidence that Simeon was there when Mary and Joseph entered the Temple “ to present the baby Jesus to the Lord as the law required ” (Luke 2:27b NLT)? Of course not!  We are told that he was led there by the Holy Spirit (v27a). Just

A Table in the Wilderness (#129)

January 31 has come and gone.  And just as planned, Government has started the dreaded laying off of some of its employees.  Last Friday about 300 workers of one of its agencies received their papers; and yesterday some more workers were laid off from another section of government. And no doubt more terminations will continue this week.   As I mentioned in a previous post, the government in an effort to restructure the economy said it would be laying off 3000 people! This state of affairs touches me in a personal way because some people I know may be affected. It is a worrying and difficult situation. The question comes to mind a … “ Can God furnish a table in the wilderness? ”  This question in Psalm 78:19 was actually an expression of doubt by the children of Israel. For me this is a rhetorical question – there is only one answer: Yes He can! The children of Israel really should have known better after their miraculous deliverance from Pharaoh, and a