
Showing posts from September, 2013

He Alone Is Worthy (# 89)

    “ He stepped forward…” (Revelation 5:7a). Heroes are people who step forward at critical times to do great and noble deeds.  When no one else is moving, they undertake rescue missions, even sacrificing their lives in the process. In Revelation 5 we see the greatest hero ever – Jesus.  He took undertook the salvation of the whole world – you’ve got to love Him! “…For you were slaughtered, and your blood has ransomed people for God from every tribe and language and people and nation.  And you have caused them to become a Kingdom of priests for our God.  And they will reign on the earth” (Revelation 5: 9b-10). What a Saviour…Hallelujah! Therefore, He is worthy.  He stepped forward for your sake. For my sake!  We could not help ourselves, we were under the siege of sin and doomed for destruction but He came and conquered the devil and released us.  Glory to God! Heroes, because of their act of bravery, are worthy to be celebrated.  This is what occurs in t

The Mark of the Messenger (# 88)

“I am not the Messiah,” he said. “Well then, who are you?” they asked. “Are you Elijah?” “No,” he replied. “Are you the Prophet?” “No.” “Then who are you?  Tell us…” John replied in the words of Isaiah: “I am a voice shouting in the wilderness, ‘Prepare a straight pathway for the Lord’s coming!’” (John 1:20-23) New Living Translation. This interesting and revealing exchange between John the Baptist and the Jewish leaders portray a reluctant yet willing messenger. Getting John to reveal his identity as we say is like “trying to get blood from a stone.” Yet he joyfully reveals the coming Messiah and His mission.  He even shows that Jesus’ ministry far outweighs his in its importance.  Listen to what he says: “I baptize with   water, but right here in the crowd is someone you do not know who will soon begin his ministry, I’m not even worthy to be his slave…” (John 1:26, 27). Wow!  What a humble messenger! And, John is right to place t

When Everything Shakes (# 87)

As I read recently of an earthquake in St. Vincent (a minor one) and as I recalled other minor ones in the Caribbean recently I can’t help but be aware of biblical prophecy about earthquakes in “diverse places.” Indeed there are not only physical quakes, but spiritual and moral ones as well.  It seems as if every aspect of life is being shaken.  The more we listen to the news the more we are aware of this: The grisly murders we hear about, children who are suffering as result of abuse, the political unrest in Syria – in the entire Middle East, for that matter; not to mention the world’s economic instability, and on and on. Let’s face it – we are being shaken.  When we contemplate all this, there is insecurity. So in what or in whom do we trust? I don’t know about you but my hope and security is in the Lord Jesus Christ and His words in St. John 16:33 “... Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world” (NLT)

God's Help In Adversity (# 86)

“In one desperate day  his possessions were lost, His children were all killed in one raw holocaust.”   -  Song writer,  Michael Card It was one of those days.  I had planned to go out.  It was raining but still I was hopeful.  Then it happened – a prolonged period of heavy thunder and lightning. Not being a thunder and lightning person I knew this was a day at home.  So much for that! It is in these times of intense weather that we – at least I – realize just how much we are at the mercy of nature. With all of the “stuff” we have acquired, it just takes one of the forces of nature to unravel everything. It reminds me of Job who lost everything in a short space of time.  He was truly a victim of adverse circumstances. And the “if-I-could-I-would” mentality is pointless; we cannot always know when adversity will occur. However, we can be sure that God will always be there.  He will always help us through these difficult

Rejoice! (# 85)

  “I will rejoice in You And all the miracles You do; I know Your promises are true, Almighty King.” The song, “Rejoice” by Kerina Hall These words from my soon-to be-released reggae single are an encouragement to us to celebrate the joy which knowing Jesus brings. This, I know, is difficult in these trying times in which we live.  As we view the happenings in our world today, we may be filled with despair at the suffering, fear and disasters – economic and otherwise. Also, we may experience distress on a personal level.  But if we are honest, there are some blessings we have experienced and continue to experience from day to day.  These are minor miracles; examples of God’s tender care extended to us, our friends, families and loved ones. Often, these are things we take for granted; ordinary things, such as good relationships with others, success in an exam, a tree planted which has borne fruit, etc. The Apostle Paul in Philippians 4:4 encourages us to

House Blessing (# 84)

“And now, may it please you to bless the house of your servant, so that it may continue forever before you. For you have spoken, and when you grant a blessing to your servant, O Sovereign   Lord , it is an eternal blessing!” ( 2 Samuel 7:29, NLT). I just love this verse; in fact, entire chapter. It was written in response to God’s promise to David to build him a spiritual, eternal house.  Translated, this meant that David would have a dynasty of kings after him on the throne of Israel.  And what’s more, it also meant the coming of the King of Kings – Jesus Christ – in the lineage of David.  What a blessing! How did this blessing come about?  David had the grand idea to build a physical house for the Ark of the Covenant, which denoted the very presence of God. However, God told David that He would build him a house which would last forever! What about us?  Have we identified how God has blessed our families now and in previous generations? Some of us are bless

Time Gambler (# 83)

Are you a gamble? Before you answer this question in the negative, please hear me out.  A gambler in the strictest sense of the word is someone who plays games of chance – like the lotteries. This may not be you.  But there are other types of gambling, such as gambling with time or opportunities. Now how did I get on this philosophical road?  Well, recently I was reading – would you believe it – Matthew chapter one, which gives the record of Jesus’ ancestry. As I read through the list certain names triggered stories about the various individuals.  For example, Abraham – the man who was called the friend of God.  He was prepared to sacrifice his son in obedience to God.  This of course, was merely a test, which he passed successfully. When I came to the names of ‘Boaz’ and ‘Ruth’ I recalled that theirs was a story of romance, redemption and God’s providential care ( I was trying for alliteration but…! ) Conversely, when I came across the name ‘Uzziah’ I recounted that