Wake-up Call (# 76)

It was a hot evening in mid-June.  My husband and I were in a deep discussion.  

Then, it happened: the fan stopped spinning, ending the coolness we were enjoying.

As late evening rolled into night we found ourselves hurrying to retrieve other lighting items.  A look outside revealed that everywhere was in darkness.  (We found out later that it was an island-wide blackout.

We saw it as a wake-up call; a reminder to be prepared for the present hurricane season – officially started at the beginning of June.

Each year around this time there are constant public service announcements encouraging us to be prepared for possible weather systems.
Alas, many do not heed these announcements, as evidenced by the long lines at supermarkets and convenience stores.

Well, what about you?  What do you need to be prepared for?  What are you delaying – putting off for another day?  What about your salvation?  God has a date determined for His return.  We don’t know when that day will come.

It’s really in our best interest to be prepared.  How about accepting His salvation now?  The Bible says “…behold now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation” (2 Corinthians 6:2).

All that is required is that we ask for forgiveness of our sins, accept His death as payment, and live a life in fellowship with Him.

It’s that simple.  Don’t wait; do it now before it’s too late.

©Kerina Hall


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