Jesus People (# 77)

“Jesus people time to take a stand,
Declare your hand…
Time to say it plain
And call it sin,
And hide nothing...”

A verse from my upcoming single in the calypso genre, which in the West Indies, is known mainly for its social commentary focus.

This song is currently in the recording process, and hopefully will be available soon.  Incidentally, it was written last year and place on the back burner.

However, recently it came into sharp focus and has actually “pushed out” another song I had planned to release.  A Holy Spirit prompting, I believe.

The song encourages Christians to represent the Gospel on social issues and to stand firm against the several anti-Christian views making currency in the world today.

It really is a rallying cry for Christians everywhere not to “hesitate or vacillate, but to tell it straight…”

So, come on Jesus People!!
©Kerina Hall


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