Watching the Invisible One (# 75)

“…He was not afraid of the king.  Moses kept right on going because
he kept his eyes on the one who is invisible”
                                                                    (Hebrews 11:27(b) NLT)

“Watching the Invisible One” – an intriguing title, I must admit.

How can we see someone who is invisible?  Only with faith-filled and faithful eyes can we do this.

Faith allows us to “see” spiritually what can’t be seen naturally.

Moses’ faith in God meant a great loyalty to and identification with his people – the Jews.  This faith saw the earthly king (Pharaoh) as a lesser being.  He chose to be loyal to the King of Kings over any earthly monarch.

He gladly chose to suffer affliction with his people rather than a privileged palatial life.

He knew that he was chosen, called by God to be a deliverer, and he believed that his God would be the source of that deliverance.

He knew his place in God’s great scheme of things.  So no earthly king could harm him.

He stood firmly, confidently in his space – his place in history and kept his eyes on the Invisible One.
What a great place to be!
So whatever “king” in your life is threatening, keep your eyes on the Invisible One.

©Kerina Hall


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