“Judgment” – What a Word! (# 71)


Now, that’s a word we hate to love.  Why is this?  Judgment is a word germane to our everyday existence.

I mean, we are constantly being assessed in one way or another.  For example, a driver’s license is not acquired without a driving test or written exam; neither do we acquire certification without a course of training followed by – you guessed it – an exam.

In addition, job placements are achieved by an interview.  There is simply no other way to determine one’s suitability for a job.

Well, you may say that’s okay for things which do not involve character or immorality.  Are we qualified to make an assessment of anyone’s character?  Is it right for us as frail and flawed human beings to sit in judgment of others?  Shouldn't we consider our own failing before condemning others?

While you ponder that, let me point you in the direction of someone who is ultimately qualified to judge.

God, as the only perfect being is qualified to do this.  Yes, we may like the warm fuzzy concept of a loving God, but He is more that that – He is also a God of justice.

We are told in the Bible that one day, whether we like it or not, we will all be assessed.  For some the criterion is whether we accepted and believed on Jesus Christ, God’s Son, as our saviour; for others, it will be the quality of work done here in this life (“For we must all stand before Christ to be judged. We will each receive whatever we deserve for the good or evil we have done in this earthly body” 2 Corinthians 5:10 NLT).

The whole concept of judgment is difficult for some to accept, I know; but it is nevertheless true.  It will happen. 

This therefore, is the perfect time to prepare for that final exam… It will determine our future.

©Kerina Hall


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