Never Too Old (#70)

“Age to age He stands
And time is in His hands
The beginning and the end
The beginning and the end”
            How Great Is Our God’
                  by Chris Tomlin

“Age is just a number” – a cute cliché, but nevertheless true.  You really are as old as you think you are.
Okay.  Let’s be realistic here.  I’m not referring to the physical.  No amount of mental gymnastics can wish away the visible signs of aging (and a quick look in the mirror will confirm this!).  So we may as well embrace the wrinkles, age spots, etc.
I am referring, however, to the aging that prevents us from…trying new things… fulfilling our God-giving purpose…from just living!

Some of us, when we reach a certain age, think that our lives are over and it’s on to the grave!
Now I’m sure that God is not in agreement with this way of thinking.  As the song says “time is in His hands.”  He knows when our time is up, so let’s do all we can.
The most fulfilling things to do are those which involve service to others.  For example, there are homes and institutions to visit.  People there need encouragement. There are books to write, mission trips to embark on, children and young people to mentor, etc.
These activities will, I guarantee, give you a new lease on life.  A teacher once said to me that stress keeps you young. This may well be true because most of the teachers I know haven’t looked any older!
So think about your gifts and how you can use them to help others.  You’ll be glad you did. 
You are never too old to do a good thing.
©Kerina Hall


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