
Showing posts from October, 2012

Networking: Making Right Connections (#42)

In this internet age networking is especially significant.   But the business of networking has been around for ages.   Human beings have always been joining together – networking – for various reasons: day to day work, special projects, social activities, etc. Making the right connections or finding the right fit is very critical to networking.   It can either mean success or failure for your project. Here is a humorous, but true, example of a wrong “fit” or connection:   A man who lived in Europe returned home from work on a bleak and foggy day.   He inserted his key into the door of his house only to find that the door would not open. After a while of turning and turning the key, he discovered to his dismay and alarm that he was at the wrong house! Hmmm! Humour aside, it is important to make connections with the right people.   People with similar goals, attitudes, and purpose are critical to the success of any project. I believe God has designed us to c

Excellence Versus Perfectionism (#41)

Excellence and perfectionism may seem to be similar.   But I believe there is a difference. In a nutshell people who strive for excellence know they must work diligently at their work or craft; and they set a time for the completion of a task or project. Perfectionists, on the hand, unfortunately do not know when to stop.   They will always detect a flaw in a project where none exists; o r will magnify the smallest one.   They are never satisfied. Persons who strive for excellence understand limitations, and see the bigger picture.   They also know that God is the only perfect One; and once their best is done, all is well. So keep striving for excellence.   Perfection is God’s domain. © Kerina Hall

Outer or Inner Beauty? (#40)

Celebrity worship is prevalent today.   But celebrities are human beings whose talents have catapulted them into the limelight. While we can admire talent and skill we would do well to remember that God alone is worthy of our worship. He alone is perfect and not prone to human failings.   Many are surprised to know that celebrities like the rest of us are “cranky,” have family issues, have bad days, moral failings, etc. Let’s face it (pun intended).   Make up works wonders; and along with attractive clothes can improve our appearance significantly. But no amount of cosmetics or attractive attire can hide who we are underneath. You see, Jesus is concerned about the real “us,” not the camera “us,” but the person underneath the façade. He wants to beautify us with His grace. Being beautiful inside is so much better than outer beauty.   The latter fades with time, and is subject to wrinkles, cellulite, etc. But inner beauty is eternal.   Which do you pref

Hope for the Hopeless (#39)

 “ The Lord is my portion, saith my soul; therefore will I hope in him. ” (Lamentations 3:24, KJV). Whenever I read or hear of someone who has committed suicide I am always deeply saddened.   Because it meant for that person all hope was gone; there was no reason to live. Let’s be honest here.   We all have problems from time to time.   And for some, chronic suffering is a reality. Usually during the period of suffering there is the feeling of hopelessness and I would add, helplessness; t he feeling that things are not going to change. If this is your reality right now, please know that is an illusion.   I’m sure you will agree with me that feelings can be deceptive and very often cannot be trusted. And, how do you know that your situation will not improve?   God can “change your circumstance.” (Please see post “When God Changes Your Circumstance,” May 12, 2012 in His World Digital Blog. ) I believe in hope - hope in God that is.   I believe that He is i

Present Continuous Praise (#38)

“  By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name” (Hebrews 13:15 KJV). This page has expired!” – One of the most frustrating messages to encounter on the internet when you are doing research.   It just takes the wind out of your sails! Usually after this, you are encouraged to try various options, one of which is to refresh the page. This has led me to think about our testimonies of what God has done for us.   I’m convinced that they could do with some “refreshing” as well.  So often we testify in the past tense – “God did this for me,” or in the present perfect – “God has done.”   But what about updating our testimony to the present continuous?   What has God started and is continuing to do now? We serve a God who is dynamic and in constant motion.   He is always working in our lives to achieve His good purposes. Even in adverse situations, you can be sure God is at work behin

More Than Talent (#37)

“The son of Jesse is a talented harp player.   Not only that, he is brave and strong and has good judgment.   He is also a fine-looking young man, and the Lord is with him” (1Samuel 16:18 NLT). Some years ago I came across a magazine article in which someone was coveting the best features of various celebrities.    The person wanted a celebrity’s lips, her hair etc…” What an exercise in futility!   In contrast the Bible tells us rather, to “covet earnestly the best [spiritual] gifts.” I would also like to suggest that we should desire the best characteristics or traits of someone, instead of  their features. Just take a look at the verse above.   What is there in that list of attributes that appeal to you?   Is it talent, bravery, good judgment, good looks, or God’s favour? These attributes are indeed impressive, but what’s more, they show that success goes beyond mere talent, ability or good looks.   It also involves character. For me, the most important

In the Sight of God (#36)

            “ …We’re united in our differences And one destiny is ours Here, in the sight of God I’ve pledged my love in the sight of God.” A celebration of romantic love; a couples’ anticipation of their wedding day and marriage; a pledge of mutual commitment to each other, and to God – these and other statements aptly describe my soon-to-be released single, “In the Sight of God.” Originally written as a wedding present for a couple my husband was counseling for marriage,  t his song promises all you would expect from a Christian love song. Here's romance, respect and love in all its freshness and purity! Stay tuned for further details. ©Kerina Hall (“ In the Sight of God ”, written & arranged by Kerina Hall; mixed and engineered by Vere Norville)

3G Technology – Way To Go! (#35)

4G technology is what’s “trending” right now. Me? I prefer 3G.   What’s 3G?   God in 3 persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.   The best connection. Why do I like 3G? 1.     It is fast, yes, but more importantly it’s appropriate for our needs.   God grants our desires according to His will.   He knows what is best for us, and when it is best for us. 2.     It is reliable.   God is dependable.   There are no side effects from this technology.   His plans are to “ prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” (Jeremiah 29:11). 3.     It is simple and accessible by everyone.   There is no secret password.   Only one that is simple and easy to remember – JESUS.   Through Him, the Son, salvation is acquired by asking forgiveness, believing and accepting Jesus’ death as the debt paid for our sin.   Read all about it in your 4G manual – THE HOLY BIBLE. Yes people, 3G technology is the way to go to access salvation and eternal lif