
Showing posts from June, 2012

Being Yourself In Ministry (#13)

 Ministering at Barbados Christian Writers' Expo 2011 Some year ago, on a whim I decided to “Google” my name. I was surprised to discover there were other “Kerina Halls” in the world.   Hmm... and here was I thinking my name was unique. Well, thanks to the Internet the world has shrunk considerably.   However, all things considering, I am still unique.   One of a kind.   And so are you. Now after digesting that entrĂ©e, let’s get to the “meat” of this post.   It is vitally important for those of us who minister to be ourselves in ministry.   And incidentally, this topic was dealt with on the His World Radio broadcast hosted by my husband and me on January 13, 2011. One of the scripture passages used was Psalm 139:13-16 which portrays God’s creative genius at work in designing a human being.   Verse 13 (NLT) tells us that we were knitted together in our mother’s womb. So we are not “cookie-cutter,” mass-produced beings; but carefully and thoughtfully de

Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs (#12)

“All honour, all glory, all power to you.” I couldn’t believe it when I walked into church and heard this worship chorus being sung by the worship team and congregation. This song had been on my mind this past week.   And I found myself playing it a number of times on my keyboard. What a worshipful way to enter church. Such is the power of a spiritual song.   Such is the power of the Holy Spirit to inspire such a song; to move in the heart of a songwriter and enable him/her to organize and structure it in such a way to achieve the maximum spiritual impact!   Having a perfect marriage of lyrics and melody is nothing short of miraculous!   It has to be the work of the Holy Spirit. Psalms, hymns and spiritual songs help us to connect with God; they bring intimacy.   They also help us to connect with each other in a corporate setting, since the worship of Jesus is our common goal. In a private setting they comfort and assure us.   No wonder the Apostle Pa

Who Gets The Muscles? (#11)

I'm a fan of comic strips. They are quite funny and can also impart some useful life-lessons. One of my all-time favourites is one by cartoonist Al Jaffee.  In it a man is pictured at a gym.   He is seated in front of a robot who exercises him by moving his arms up and down. The next window shows the result of that strenuous workout.  You'll never guess who gets the muscles.  Why.... the robot of course!  There in the next window is the robot posing with bulging, muscular arms! Now I admit this is a very disturbing sight!  A robot is one  thing.  But, a muscled robot is...frightening! But there is an important lesson here: Those who are diligent at their work or craft, will receive their reward.  Why? Because they have earned it. So often we are envious of another’s achievements but we don't see the hard work they have done behind the scenes.  We just see the end result - the 'muscles' if you will. There is also a greater spiritual applica

Live Life With Passion (#10)

 Kerina ministering at Church Village NTCOG -May2012 at Harvest Program.  Dear Friends, So glad you visited today.  Just want to let you know that God loves you and has a special plan for your life.  I would like to encourage you to make it your life-long goal to find out what it is and to do it with all your might; with all the passion you have. You see a life without passion is no life at all.  Passion is what drives us and is the 'fuel' that keeps us going at all times. It adds flavour to whatever we do; it drives us to achieve success. God was so passionate about us that He sent His Son Jesus Christ to give His life for us. Won't you give your life to Him? He longs for a passionate relationship with you. So friends, live your life with passion today. Be passionate in the execution of your gifts and talents and most of  all have a passion for God. See you next post. © Kerina Hall

I Have, Therefore I Am? (#9)

It’s crunch time!  - t hat time in the morning when you are about to leave home.   Time is racing away.   Someone is honking the horn in the car outside! As usual, you are late!   This, despite your best efforts to be on time. Okay, you’re almost through the door now.   You do a mental and physical inventory.   Iron switched off?   Check!   Plug out? Check!   Keys?   Check!   Lunch?   Check!   Purse?   Check!   Cash in purse?   Double check! Alright then!   Everything is in place (hair included).   You race frantically through the door. Now you’ve arrived safely at your destination (mercifully in one piece) only to discover…No... it can’t be…you’ve forgotten your cell phone at home.   This is a disaster of gigantic proportions (worthy of a good old bajan *'stupse'!).   How will you survive? Later that day you’re experiencing withdrawal symptoms.   Anxiety attacks are the order of the day.   A stranger innocently takes out his phone and you’ve lost it!   You’re for

The Last Dinosaur - *PPD (Phantom Phone Disorder) (#8)

There I was, seated at my dining table enjoying lunch when I was disturbed by my cell phone vibrating.   I reached into my pocket to answer it – only to realize the skirt I was wearing had no pocket!   There was no cell phone either, yet, I distinctly felt the familiar vibration of my phone near my hip. What was going on here?!   I had heard about “phantom leg” – a condition experienced by amputees who “feel” the excruciating pain of a missing limb.   But a phantom cell phone?   What next? Since that time I have lessened the amount of times I place the phone in my pocket and also the amount of times I put it on 'vibrate'.  I haven't experienced PPD since. Some of us suffer from emotional PPD.   We are still affected by traumatic events of the past.   We still feel the pain of things we really should forget.   These “phantoms” can really play havoc with our lives.   That is, if we let them. I knew someone who was so affected by their phantoms that whenever thi

Dealing With Downtime (#7)

Downtime.   The very sound of this word is enough to make you feel down.   What is downtime anyway?   It’s a time in your life when it seems as if you’re on pause. You may have just lost your job; you may be battling with an illness, or suffering from some other traumatic event/experience.   You, like many today, may have been affected by the current recession.   Let’s face it; you know all too well about downtime. Well, how should we deal with this situation? Let’s get some insights from the Bible, the book of Jeremiah to be precise – chapter 29.   The Jews are in captivity in Babylon.   It’s a real downtime situation.   They are away from their home, fearful of the future, not knowing what to do.   No doubt the future looks very bleak. But God has a solution – He always has.   In V5 He tells them to “Build houses and settle down; plant gardens and eat what you produce.   M arry and have sons and daughters; find wives for your sons and give your daughters in marriage, so th

The Last Dinosaur - "The Reason Why" (#6)

 Kerina and Youth Synergy Worship Warfare Dancers Artwork compliments Tansene Keizer (Kerina In Concert, Oct 2011 at Whitepark Wesleyan)  Who hasn’t had performance jitters?   We all have!   These vary from person to person.   From sweaty palms, to a lump in your throat, or cold feet.   We’ve had them.   We still have them.   I still have them! You’re sitting there in a church/ auditorium, or waiting backstage, trying desperately to be calm, to be cool and collected.   Waiting to be announced.   Then suddenly, it’s time. Interestingly, at least for me, it all disappears when I sing the first note of the song. You know, many of us allow fear to stop us from doing what we’re supposed to be doing.   We fear being on the World Wide Web because we’re “out there”; people will know who we are, what we think and possible disagree with us when we post a comment or an article, etc. If we have something that is worthy of sharing, something that can help others, w