Back to the Future: A Heavenly Focus (#150)

“It’s what I live for,
A place where love will never cease
Willing to die for,
Heaven is where I want to be…”
            ‘Heaven by Bebe & Cece Winans

I think we need to get back to the future!

No, I’m not referring to the movie starring Michael J. Fox.  I’m talking about a future focus where we anticipate the Return of Jesus Christ and a future with Him.

Of course, for that to happen we must accept His gift of salvation NOW!

As it is in the natural so it is in the spiritual.  We do not, or should not, wait until the last moment to be ready for transportation – car, bus, train, etc.

Ladies!!!...Just joking!

We should be prepared beforehand for His Return; for when He does – that’s it!  We will not have a second chance.

Sounds harsh?  It really isn’t.  We have adequate warnings to prepare from the Word of God.  Just checkout these verses:  Matthew 24:37-43 and 25:1-13.

I don’t know about you, but I sense that things are ‘heating up’ in our world today.  Things are not getting better, but they are deteriorating.  Just look at the many natural disasters which are occurring today.

Looks to me like Matthew 24 is being fulfilled this very moment – earthquakes in many parts of the world, persecution of believers, sin rampant everywhere, etc.

It’s time to look up, time to get back to the future and keep our focus on heaven!

©Kerina Hall


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