
Showing posts from January, 2014

Limiting Your Limitations 2 – Unlimited Faith (#128)

“It is no secret what God can do What He’s done for others, He’ll do for you.”                                  Jim Reeves Those words by Jim Reeves are certainly true! We serve a God who is All-mighty.  His power is unlimited! Just ask Father Abraham.  He can attest to this.  After all, wasn’t he the one who was promised that he would receive a great inheritance; his dependents would be as innumerable as the stars (Genesis 15:5). And what was his response? “Abram believed the Lord, and the Lord declared him righteous because of his faith” (Genesis 15:6 NLT). Now I call that unlimited faith. Again, wasn’t he the one who was promised the impossible – a son when his wife clearly was barren and long past child bearing age? The Bible tells us that “Abraham never wavered in believing God’s promise.  In fact, his faith grew stronger, and in this he brought glory to God” (Romans 4:20 NLT). That’s certainly unlimited faith.  Faith tha

Limiting Your Limitations (#127)

“No limits, out of the box The ceiling, tear it off…!                                 Martha Munizzi An obvious reference to the incident in the Bible when the man was healed from paralysis (Mark 2:1-12). Apparently, these four friends were so strong in faith that when they could not get their friend to Jesus because of the crowd, they tore open the roof and let him down. That was really out of the box! So what limits do you need to destroy to achieve your dreams and purpose in life?  What hinders you? Hmmm. One of the most popular hindrances is age (usually prescribed by society) – we should have achieved various goals by a certain age. Don’t get me wrong.  Limits are not all bad.  Obviously, from a medical or biological point of view, giving birth falls into a certain age range. But should we apply limits broadly to every area of our lives? When it comes to doing God’s will, what limits have we imposed on ourselves?  What hin

Disappointment? - His Appointment! (#126)

I’ve been visited by an  unwelcome  visitor recently.  A cold Nothing like a cold to put you out of commission.  It is a nightmare for the singer, preacher, in fact, anyone really. However, it is the perfect time for indoor activities like writing and keyboarding.  So while this cold runs its course, these will be my main activities. You know, I am reminded of an old preacher who said that whenever you experience disappointment, just remove the “D” and replace it with an “H” instead.  So disappointment becomes His – God’s – appointment. Yes, this is the perfect God-given opportunity to use your time in other meaningful pursuits. In other words, your adversity becomes a door where good can be achieved. ©Kerina Hall

Sure of Himself (#125)

“…Some said, ‘He's a wonderful man,’ while others said, ‘He's a fraud, deceiving the people’” (John 7:12, NLT). Public figures always attract attention.  That’s because there are, well – public! Often, there is ambivalence or mixed views about them. In the case of Jesus Christ, from John’s account in Chapter 7, there were conflicting views as people tried to grapple with the reality of this great public figure – one of their own – who claimed to be the Son of God and the Messiah. Some of them accepted Him, while others did not. It is interesting that those with a vested interested – the authority figures, i.e., the scribes and Pharisee and teachers of the Law – had a big problem with His presence. What is significant is that Jesus knew who He was and His purpose.  “… So Jesus told them,   “I am not teaching my own ideas, but those of God who sent me.  Anyone who wants to do the  will of God will know whether my teaching is from God or is merely my

Who Are You Really? (#124)

Who are you? If I could see you face to face I would ask you this question. Those of you who have read this blog over a period of time would know some things about me.  From the various posts I’ve written you may have gotten a glimpse of some aspects of my personality. But, I wonder, who are you? I’m not necessarily interested in where you work, went to school, etc.  But I would really like to know what your passion is; what is it that makes you tick.  What are you called to do? Here’s another question for you? Can you say unflinchingly who you are and what your purpose is? Some more questions for you…   How committed are you to this purpose; in other words, how often are you actively engaged in its pursuit?  And, how do you intend to develop and improve in your calling? Now to my last question… Have you given your passion to God?   He gave it to you in the first place; shouldn’t you give it back to Him, asking for His blessing and guidance

May God Be With Us (#123)

“Ma   y God be with them!" These words were uttered by one of my Sunday School students years ago as he looked at a picture in his Bible of two men on a boat in the Dead Sea. He was no older than eight or nine years old, and to him these men really needed God’s help in order to stay alive! I recall my student’s words and apply them to us in Barbados today – May God be with us!” This island is now affected by the gathering storms of layoffs in the public service; three thousand workers are expected to be terminated.   This situation has become a national headache, and understandably so.  These persons are not just statistics, but real people     with real concerns.  People with mortgages,         loans, families and homes to look after. How will they survive?  How will they meet their financial commitments? These layoffs will affect the entire nation; not just government workers.  The domino effect extends to the commercial sector as well, s

VSA: Voluntary Spiritual Amnesia (#122)

This year 2014 I hereby make a resolution to…make no resolutions! Hi there.  With that curious, yet profound remark, I welcome you to the New Year and all that it holds. I must confess.  Like you, I’ve tended not to keep resolutions made at the beginning of the year. But, should that stop us from setting goals?  It really shouldn’t.  We all need to improve in various areas of our lives.  And, we all know what they are! But, here’s a verse of Scripture which has always been inspiring and beneficial to me.  Incidentally, I was reminded about it by a friend on facebook.  Here it goes: “ Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3:13, 14). So, in this case I resolve…to have “Voluntary Spiritual Amnesia” (VSA) when it comes to certain a