
Showing posts from May, 2013

Never Too Old (#70)

“Age to age He stands And time is in His hands The beginning and the end The beginning and the end”             ‘ How Great Is Our God’                   by Chris Tomlin “Age is just a number” – a cute cliché, but nevertheless true.   You really are as old as you think you are. Okay.   Let’s be realistic here.   I’m not referring to the physical.   No amount of mental gymnastics can wish away the visible signs of aging (and a quick look in the mirror will confirm this!).   So we may as well embrace the wrinkles, age spots, etc. I am referring, however, to the aging that prevents us from…trying new things… fulfilling our God-giving purpose…from just living! Some of us, when we reach a certain age, think that our lives are over and it’s on to the grave! Now I’m sure that God is not in agreement with this way of thinking.   As the song says “time is in His hands.”   He knows when our time is up, so let’s do all we can. The most fulfilling th

The Perfect Counsellor (#69)

“ That is why we have a great High Priest who has gone to heaven, Jesus the Son of God.   Let us cling to Him and never stop trusting Him.   This High Priest of ours understands our weaknesses, for He faced all of the same temptations we do, yet He did not sin” (Hebrews 4:14, 15 NLT) Yep.   Counselors are people too; they are human beings.   Like the rest of us they are imperfect. While the help they offer may be good and beneficial, they will admit if asked, that their own relationships are challenging and far from ideal. This much was admitted by a professional recently when questioned about his relationship status.   His candidness was appreciated as he spoke of his own challenges.   Yet he was able to speak of his success in helping others. Well such is life – most times we are able to see someone else’s situation objectively and offer helpful suggestions.   However, our own are difficult to manage; probably because we might not want to take our own medicine. Anyway, ku

Holy Spirit Touch My Heart (#68)

“I ask no dream, no prophetic ecstasies, No sudden rending of the veil of clay, No angel visitant, no opening skies; But take the dimness of my soul away.”                                                 Spirit of God, Descend Upon My Heart                                                                By George Croly   Okay another hymn.   What is it with these hymns anyway? I seem to be in a “hymn appreciation season” (must be my approaching senior years!). I was wondering what I should write about for the up-coming Pentecostal observance, and instantly the hymn referred to above “popped” into my mind. It has always been one of my favourite hymns.   (Have I said that before? Oh well…) The words are simply beautiful and impactful.   Of course, we don’t write this way anymore.   Our word-choice is much simpler.   But there is something beautiful about archaic language. All that aside, the verse I’ve highlighted aptly conveys my view about the work of

Come Home to Love (#67)

“Love will be our home…” Sandi Patti There is no place like home.   That certainly is a well-known cliché.   But, you must admit, it is true.   Home conjures up images and feelings of rest, quiet, relaxation, tranquility (feel free to stop me here!), confidence, security, etc. Home is like a nice warm fuzzy blanket on an extremely cold night in early January! For some, however, home is not like this, because the place where they are residing is more “hell” than home.   And here, I’m referring to the spiritual place they are occupying rather than the physical (Although for some, the physical can be like that as well!) But, there is hope.   If you are in this category – experiencing feelings of unease, frustration, guilt, etc. – I encourage you today to change your address: Come home to God’s love which finds its fullest expression through His Son Jesus Christ.   You see, Christ came so that we can find rest for our souls – a home, if you will. And this is a real home; a spi

Hymns of Nostalgia (#66)

Recently, while thumbing through an old hymn book, I was swept away by a wave of nostalgia.   I was transported back in time to childhood as I encountered the hymns of yesteryear. I became reacquainted with names like D Otis Teasley, Daniel S. Warner, Barney E. Warren, Charles W. Naylor and Andrew L. Byer – all hymn writers whose songs have really blessed me. Songs, like photos, surely evoke memories.   These songs reminded me of my early days in the Church of God Reformation movement. (Back then to us it was simply referred to as “The Church of God.”) What beautiful lyrics comprise these hymns of yesteryear.   Take for example, “I Know In My Heart What It Means” by D. Otis Teasley, “When I read how my Savior was nailed to the cross For the sins of the world to atone, O I feel so unworthy such suff’ring and loss, For I know in my heart what it means.” Chorus: “I know in my heart what it means, Salvation, that word so divine; His Spirit has witnessed to mine,