
Showing posts from December, 2012

Thanking God for 2012 (#53)

Old Year’s Day, New Year’s Eve.   Call it what you will, another year is retiring while a new one is beginning. At this time of year we tend to be reflective…Did I accomplish all of my goals/dreams in 2012? If you haven’t there is hope: a new year means new opportunities.   And let’s face it… is there anyone who has indeed accomplished all they intended to this past year? Instead of feeling guilty and discouraged we should give thanks to God for what we were able to achieve. What have you accomplished this year?   Were you able to recover from some illness, or overcome some financial challenge?   Did you experience new areas of growth, personally, or corporately?   Are you in the process of doing so?   Or was it a hard, difficult year? You know, in spite of everything you made it to the end of 2012.   So many others haven’t.   You have the blessing of life.   That is something for which to be thankful. As the New Year beckons, you can say like Psalmist Da

God’s Perfect Timing (#52)

“But when the fullness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law…” (Galatians 4:4). God’s timing is always perfect.   The time and circumstances of the birth of Christ was no coincidence.   It was all a deliberate act of God. He was born to lowly parents.   Mary and Joseph were ordinary people like you and me.   The Jewish nation was under Roman rule.   His birth occurred in a stable, not a palace. But why?   What was God up to by choosing to send His Son into these less than ideal circumstances?   And why at that time? I believe it was for the purpose of identification.   Jesus, the Saviour of the world, came in the form of man in order to relate to us at our lowest point.   He came to be part of our less than ideal situations; to redeem and set us free from sin; to show us a better way of living. It was God’s appointed time that the Saviour was born.   This was the time for God’s favour to be seen.   The time for the f

The Greatest Story… (#51)

    “Long ago in Bethlehem was born Messiah King, Prophets had foretold Him – heaven’s offering.”                 from song ‘Celebrate Messiah King’ by Kerina Hall Somehow I never tire of the old but inspiring story of Christ’s birth.   It is the greatest story ever, equaled only by the story of His death and resurrection. For me it is the story of the ultimate hero; the ultimate rescue mission.   There is no other greater act of selflessness and love than that of Jesus coming to this world, and giving His life for mankind. This should always be the centre of our Christmas celebrations.   This is why it is important to read the story of Christ’s birth; also, to attend Bible-based Christmas productions, and programmes which centre on Christ’s birth. They remind us that without Christ there would be no Christmas. ©Kerina Hall

God’s Messengers (#50)

                             We are God’s messengers, sent with the message of salvation. This thought came to me as I read (for the umpteenth time) the story of the birth of John the Baptist, God’s messenger who prepared the way for Christ’s coming, warning people to repent of their sins. One thing is required of a messenger: that he or she must deliver the message sent – faithfully! We see this as we read of the angel Gabriel’s message to Zacharius telling him of the birth of John.   “…Fear not, Zacharias: for thy prayer is heard; and thy wife Elisabeth shall bear thee a son, and thou shalt call his name John” (Luke 1:13). And in verse 17 God’s heavenly messenger says of His earthy messenger, “ And he shall go before him in the spirit and power of Elias, to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just; to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.” Another thing about messengers is that they do not assume more im

God, Our Help…Our Hope (#49)

“Lord, thou hast been our dwelling place in all generations” (Psalm 90:1). Yesterday, November 30, Barbados celebrated 46 years of independence.   This is a time to look back with thanksgiving and nostalgia.   During the month there were exhibits of relics from the past on display at the library and even in some stores in Bridgetown. While at the library recently I gingerly lifted a heavy flat iron and jokingly remarked to two of the staff members that it could be used as a dumbbell!   We really have come a long way! For me, the connection between the past and the future is God.   As a nation we would not have made it without Him and in these uncertain times I am convinced we will not survive without Him directing our way. Just talk to any of our many centenarians and they will tell you of God’s help during the difficult time they have experienced.   Many of them only had a basic education, and made their living as labourers, plantation workers and servants.   Yet