
Showing posts from May, 2012

The Last Dinosaur - "Trying A T'ing" (#5)

I really thought I was the last dinosaur – a relic from the non-gadget era, struggling on my journey through the world of modern technology. That was my thinking until a friend told me of her futile attempts to upload a document to her social media account.   After trying various options which didn’t work, that project was “put to bed.” I felt her pain; I really did.   But it was gratifying to know that I was not the only one.   And I suspect that there are more of us out there -   Closet dinosaurs;  people like me who get lost in high-tech conversations; who forget passwords and are regularly asked to decipher a jumbled word to prove our non-robotic status!   Welcome to the club. But I believe that when we are faced with problems of any kind we must never give up.   We must always have the “try a t’ing” mindset.   Be willing to explore solutions, to experiment.   Failing that, simply Google or ask a patient young friend for help. I encourage you to read my brief Facebook arti

The Last Dinosaur - "Mistakes Into Fish-cakes" (#4)

           Mistakes, embarrassing moments!  Who hasn't experienced these?  (And a global silence now descends!) We've all had them!  Whether you're a public figure or not, we've all had these moments. Let's list some of them shall we? The mic that appears to be stuck with super-glue and refuses to budge; the old friend whose name you can't recall;  someone stops to give you a ride, you prepare to move only to discover it's for the person next to you;  your own phone number you suddenly forget when filling out a form etc, etc. These are all embarrassing moments we wish we could undo.  And, because they occurred in the presence of an audience, (doesn't matter the size!) they are forever etched in our memories. So, what can we do? Here are a few suggestions:             1.  Realise that we are human  beings and all fallible. (Even machines malfunction & refuse to                  obey us even though we scream at them!)         

The Real Sensation (#3)

Sensation – what we learn through senses, excited feeling or state of excitement, strong impression (Collins Contemporary Dictionary). So much of what we experience today is gained through our reaction to external stimuli.   This accounts to some extent for the success of the advertising industry. We are strongly attracted to something through the sense of sight – that which is visual.   For example, that dress we cannot afford is a must-have because it looks so good on the model wearing it.   We are persuaded daily by infomercials to buy products and services we really do not need. As a gospel artiste I prefer to think of God as a “sensation.”   I get excited about Him and what He is doing in my life.   That is sensational! Having said that, let me now comment on the term “ gospel sensation” which appears on the Google Search results page in association with my website, I am convinced that it was well-intentioned by the designer and done in good faith as

The Last Dinosaur (#2)

     Technology can be quite daunting at least for me.  That's why I think I am the last dinosaur: someone from a prehistoric era.  I remember all too well the good old days of cassette tapes, and tape recorders.  Remember those days?  ( okay, I realise my age is showing here!)  Oh the joys of recording music on a tape recorder and being able to rewind or fast-forward at will? Now I've scarcely gotten used to Cd's then along came Mp3s, digital voice recorders etc and all the other devices I can't recall.  But, time marches on and so must I.  I'm told the only constant is change.  But... wait a minute; "Hold your horses !" as we would say in this part of the world. What about God?  What about salvation through Jesus Christ? Thank God for these unchangeables!    A dinosaur like me can finally exhale!                   


Hi  there! Welcome to my blog.  Hopefully you'll find my posts quite interesting. If you are like me, somewhat overwhelmed by the world of technology, you're sure to enjoy " The last Dinosaur" - about lessons learned from my forays into the world of ever-changing technology.  All in all, I hope to introduce you, if you haven't done so, to a life-changing relationship with Jesus Christ.  Hope my writings inspire you!  Oh, and please let me hear from you.