
Showing posts from July, 2013

God’s Will in the Journey (# 79)

“There is joy in the journey…”                Singer/song writer Michael Card I watched as my neightbour’s three year old son – in a world of his own – gently touching the shinny smoothness of a leaf of a shrub outdoors. It was a moment of discovery and wonder – this thrilling sensory experience. For him, I guess it was the opening up of a whole new world – the world of education at its most primal level. That was six years ago.  Since then, I’ve moved on from that location. My wish for him is many more such educational and joyful experiences on his journey through life. I've  come to realize the importance of the journey; and it’s not so much the destination but the path to reach there. I've  also realize that God’s will is discovered via the journey.  The thing is that the journey is never free of obstacles.  However, without the journey – hurdles and all – we cannot build our faith muscles.  We cannot learn to trust and depend on God as we should i

Tale of the Unexpected (# 78)

As I was ministering at Shalem Evangelical Church in Bush Hall Yard Gap, Barbados recently, I came to the end of my set and was preparing to leave the stage. Then it happened.  It was truly unexpected to me! Someone in the congregation requested the song “Celebrate Messiah King” – one of the two songs released last December (the other song, “In the Sight of God,” a Christian love song). Imagine that.  Singing a Christmas song in the middle of the year – July to be precise! When I think about it, sometimes we are stuck in times, seasons and systems.  Why shouldn't we sing and talk about the great event – Christ’s birth – throughout the year?  This was no ordinary birth.  Its purpose was the salvation of mankind. So the brother who made the request and the folks at Shalem Evangelical who agreed in a loud chorus of “Yes,” got it right.  Kudos to them! Christmas in July! ...I love it. ©Kerina Hall P.S:   It was great ministering there.  God's bl

Jesus People (# 77)

“Jesus people time to take a stand, Declare your hand… Time to say it plain And call it sin, And hide nothing...” A verse from my upcoming single in the calypso genre, which in the West Indies, is known mainly for its social commentary focus. This song is currently in the recording process, and hopefully will be available soon.  Incidentally, it was written last year and place on the back burner. However, recently it came into sharp focus and has actually “pushed out” another song I had planned to release.  A Holy Spirit prompting, I believe. The song encourages Christians to represent the Gospel on social issues and to stand firm against the several anti-Christian views making currency in the world today. It really is a rallying cry for Christians everywhere not to “hesitate or vacillate, but to tell it straight…” So, come on Jesus People!! ©Kerina Hall

Wake-up Call (# 76)

It was a hot evening in mid-June.   My husband and I were in a deep discussion.    Then, it happened: the fan stopped spinning, ending the coolness we were enjoying. As late evening rolled into night we found ourselves hurrying to retrieve other lighting items.  A look outside revealed that everywhere was in darkness.  (We found out later that it was an island-wide blackout. We saw it as a wake-up call; a reminder to be prepared for the present hurricane season – officially started at the beginning of June. Each year around this time there are constant public service announcements encouraging us to be prepared for possible weather systems. Alas, many do not heed these announcements, as evidenced by the long lines at supermarkets and convenience stores. Well, what about you?  What do you need to be prepared for?  What are you delaying – putting off for another day?  What about your salvation?  God has a date determined for His return.  We don’t know when that d