
Showing posts from June, 2013

Watching the Invisible One (# 75)

“…He was not afraid of the king.  Moses kept right on going because he kept his eyes on the one who is invisible”                                                                     (Hebrews 11:27(b) NLT)                                                                                                 “Watching the Invisible One” – an intriguing title, I must admit. How can we see someone who is invisible?  Only with faith-filled and faithful eyes can we do this. Faith allows us to “see” spiritually what can’t be seen naturally. Moses’ faith in God meant a great loyalty to and identification with his people – the Jews.  This faith saw the earthly king (Pharaoh) as a lesser being.  He chose to be loyal to the King of Kings over any earthly monarch. He gladly chose to suffer affliction with his people rather than a privileged palatial life. He knew that he was chosen, called by God to be a deliverer, and he believed that his God would be the source o

Time Is Racing (# 74)

There ought to be a “time policeman.”   I’ll tell you why: “Yesterday” it was Christmas morning.  I distinctly recall attending church at 6:00 a.m.  Yes, that’s right! Now, “a few hours later” and it is the middle of the year.  June 26, 2013 to be precise. Where has the time gone?  A forensic audit is needed here! Days, weeks just seem to be flying by.  Time seems to be racing toward some event. Hmmm! How is this possible?  It’s the same 24 hours in a day. Are we busier now than we have ever been?  Maybe, but I don’t think that is the answer.  So what then is the explanation? In Matthew 24:22 God said that the days would be shortened “for the elect’s sake.” So, how could the days be shortened if a day is still 24 hours?  I’ll leave that one for the theologians. But the fact remains – time is moving swiftly.  And you know what?  We have to find ways to add value to our existence here on earth.  If not, we will simply have a “treadmill experience” – walking

Nature’s Fast Food – Give Thanks! (# 73)

“Mangoes, mangoes, mangoes                                           Mango vere, mango teen Mango vere, mango teen Ah want a penny to buy mango vere, mango teen Gimme ah penny to buy mango vere, mango teen…” One of the folk songs from my childhood. While I was never sure what mango vere or mango teen were, I’ve nevertheless enjoyed “turpentine” mango – a very common mango in Barbados. You know, there is nothing quite like a ripe juicy mango (except two or three ripe juicy mangoes!). And all the birds and monkeys in Barbados agree! Well mango is one of the fruit in season right now in Barbados.  Along with fat pork, a fruit with white flesh covered by dark-red skin, and a nut at the centre.   These we ate in abundance at primary school. You know it’s really a blessing to have such a variety of fruits for our health and enjoyment. They are nature’s “fast food.”  There is no cooking or processing involved.  Just take one and eat! And give t

Beautiful “Noise”! (# 72)

“Mister Pea-whistler                                                                                                Sings his song: ‘Arise for the morning’s on.’ The harsh shrill From eager bill, A call to every sleeping one.” From poem “Morning Medley” by Kerina Hall The verse above was written because I was struck by the chorus of bird sounds (songs) outside my window every morning. The birds, it would seem, have their own ensemble going on! From the loud mournful cries of the large red-necked pigeons, to the warbling sound of the gray kingbird and the sharp harsh sound of the pea-whistler (real name, Caribbean Elaenia). Added to these are the blackbirds’, sparrows’ and wood doves’ contribution to this medley. There, however, is a lone “musician” whose sound I am yet to identify!  The problem of identification occurs because this musician is more heard than seen, and its contribution is not consistent. But… one day!                                

“Judgment” – What a Word! (# 71)

  Judgment. Now, that’s a word we hate to love.  Why is this?  Judgment is a word germane to our everyday existence. I mean, we are constantly being assessed in one way or another.  For example, a driver’s license is not acquired without a driving test or written exam; neither do we acquire certification without a course of training followed by – you guessed it – an exam. In addition, job placements are achieved by an interview.  There is simply no other way to determine one’s suitability for a job. Well, you may say that’s okay for things which do not involve character or immorality.  Are we qualified to make an assessment of anyone’s character?  Is it right for us as frail and flawed human beings to sit in judgment of others?  Shouldn't we consider our own failing before condemning others? While you ponder that, let me point you in the direction of someone who is ultimately qualified to judge. God, as the only perfect being is qualified to do this.  Yes,