
Showing posts from 2015

Back on Track(#171)

For some time now I have been engaged in another aspect of ministry – that of music, and have not written any blog posts. My sincere apologies! With God’s help I will be posting again from time to time. So, what have you been up to since last I posted? I hope that you have been engaged in ministry and are using your gifts and talents energetically. Hope you haven’t been overwhelmed by trials, disappointments, challenging illness, etc.? If so, please tell me that you are relying on the resources of strength and power of the Holy Spirit, who is your promised Helper. These are indeed challenging times which exact every ounce of spiritual and physical strength from us. I know.  I’ve experienced it. All we can do is rely on the spiritual ma nna from heaven –the Word of God – to sustain us.  In addition, praying to our heavenly Father brings untold relief and release. Don’t live another moment without it. Finally, it helps to remember that J

Spiritual Sensitivity (#170)

“Open my ears, that I may hear Voices of truth Thou sendest clear”           “Open My Eyes that I May See” by Clara H. Scott Okay, I’m going to play this note and I want you to sing out the 4 th note after it.” The voice?  My piano teacher The time?  Many moons ago. The object?  To develop my musical ear. I was not fond of this area part of piano lessons. However, today I understand and appreciate what she was trying to achieve.  She was developing my vocal sensitivity. Sensitivity is so important.  It employs the use of our senses:  touch, hearing, seeing, Knowledge is transmitted though the senses. This year I want to develop my spiritual sensitivity.  I want to be attune and in tune to what God is saying to me. This is so important to doing His will. We must first hear from Him, and also we must be able to see the areas in our lives in which He is working – those areas in which we are successful.  There are indicators of where He wan