
Showing posts from May, 2014

Meditations on the Holy Spirit (#154)

A meditation on the Holy Spirit as we approach Pentecost.  From reading Ephesians 5:15-20, it would appear that the singing forth of psalms, hymns and spiritual songs are evidence of a Spirit-controlled life. “Don’t be drunk with wine, because that will ruin your life. Instead, be filled with the Holy Spirit,   singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs among yourselves, and making music to the Lord in your hearts.   And give thanks for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Perhaps the harmony of a Spirit filled life – a life lived in obedience to God, where the fruit of the Spirit are evident (love, joy, peace, self-controll, etc.) – is so real that it is reflected in songs of praise. Interestingly, those who have imbibed too much alcohol are known to break forth in ‘song’ as well.  But their ‘song’ is not the song of praise and thanksgiving! Spiritual songs, however, do flow from a life led and controlled by the Holy Spirit. 

Hope in Hard Times (#153)

A Bagettelle Green  Space, St. James, Barbados Here in Barbados we have been experiencing a prolonged spell of dry conditions.  Brown seems to be the prevailing colour – brown leaves, brown grass, etc. What is significant is that this is happening during the time when we usually get a lot of rain. However, one plant which seems to be faring well is the bougainvillea.  You would hardly know there are drought-like conditions by looking at the profusion of lovely flowers as you can see in the picture. Just goes to show that in the most dismal and trying situations, all is not lost; we can still have hope.  Faith in the Lord Jesus brings abundance of assurance that He will bring us through whatever trials we face. He makes the picture bright; He gives us hope in the present and in the future. Hope indeed, in these hard times. ©Kerina Hall

Inspired Revelations! (#152)

“…When the Lord had finished talking with them, he was taken up into heaven and sat down in the place of honor at God’s right hand” (Mark 16:19 NLT). The Bible is an amazing book.  It gives us inspired revelations. Take, for example, the verse above.  It records Jesus’ ascension into heaven as seen in Mark’s eye-witness account. Our gaze, like Mark’s, travels upward as Jesus disappears from sight. Mark amazingly sees Jesus sitting at the right hand of God “in the place of honour.” This is indeed an inspired revelation! Really, Jesus has resumed his original place of honour.  He left this place of honour to come to this sinful world to give His life for mankind.  This was His mission. But, there is a further revelation – He will return one day for all those who have given their hearts to Him. This is not a fanciful tale.  It’s true.  The Bible tells us so in John 14:1-3. Hope this revelation inspires you! ©Kerina Hall

The Nigerian Mothers’ Wish & Prayer (#151)

The missing girls in Nigeria! The collective heartache of the mothers in that nation is felt around the world. This is most poignant as mothers look forward to Sunday May 11 – the day when motherhood is celebrated, and mothers are showered with tokens of appreciation. How will these mothers receive gifts from their daughters? ...I believe the best gifts these mothers would wish for is the freedom of their girls! I am hoping and praying that it will indeed be so.  I can’t imagine the anguish and pain they are experiencing. May the God of justice and mercy, hear the cries of these mothers and effect the release of these girls. In Jesus’ Name.  Amen. Happy Mother’s Day To All Mothers! ©Kerina Hall

Back to the Future: A Heavenly Focus (#150)

“It’s what I live for, A place where love will never cease Willing to die for, Heaven is where I want to be…”                                     ‘ Heaven ’ by Bebe & Cece Winans I think we need to get back to the future! No, I’m not referring to the movie starring Michael J. Fox.  I’m talking about a future focus where we anticipate the Return of Jesus Christ and a future with Him. Of course, for that to happen we must accept His gift of salvation NOW! As it is in the natural so it is in the spiritual.  We do not, or should not, wait until the last moment to be ready for transportation – car, bus, train, etc. Ladies!!! ...Just joking! We should be prepared beforehand for His Return; for when He does – that’s it!  We will not have a second chance. Sounds harsh?  It really isn’t.  We have adequate warnings to prepare from the Word of God.  Just checkout these verses:  Matthew 24:37-43 and 25:1-13. I don’t know about you, but I sens