
Showing posts from August, 2014

…In His Name (#157)

“…Holy devoted to live and to die For the sake of the Call...”                         Stephen Curtis Chapman I Take up my pen to write this post with a heavy heart, the words of Stephen Curtis Chapman’s “For the sake of the Call” ringing in my ears. The faces of suffering!  Those who are dying a martyr’s death for the sake of the Call – the Call of Christ. Persecution is not just a phenomenon of the early years of the church; it’s very much alive today.  Those who dare to proclaim the name of Christ and all His standards of righteousness are vilified for doing so. God help us all! For as time progresses more and more of us who are called by His name will have to draw a dividing line – will we remain silent or will we stand in and for the name and cause of Christ our Saviour. In the meantime, let’s continue to prayer for, and give 100% to those who are presently on the frontlines – standing for Him! ©Kerina Hall